Enter Abbie Potts, unsurprisingly she doesn't like bad news

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Boy oh boy.
The last chapter of part one. I appreciate every single one of you for reading, I hope you stick around for part two which will be coming out soon. Everything will make sense eventually and I can't wait for things to come together.
I really hope you like this last chapter of "The Harley Keener Villain Complex"

Trigger Warnings are in the end notes to avoid spoilers :)

PAGA campus- The Princeton All Girls Academy for women who will write the future

Meanwhile, in Princeton, New Jersey, Abbie was not having a good day, thank you very much. She was about to call Harley just because. Because even if he never let anything get to him and she learned not to let it hurt her feelings, he still listened.

Her finger was hovering over the call button when the phone in her hand lit up like he had thought the same. She wanted to tell him so many things. She wanted to tell him how her new dorm mate kept complaining about her period not knowing it was killing her on the inside, she had told Ollie not to say anything. She was passing just fine and did not feel the need to explain to Eliot that she was trans and did not know what it was like to be on her period and did not need a reminder that she could not be on her period. Ever.

But- it hurt. Wanted to tell him once again how it hurt when people asked her if she was on the pill or if she was in such a terrible mood because it was her time of the month before awkwardly averting their gaze and trying to change the subject as soon as they could. She knew Harley would never truly understand but she needed her big brother. She needed her family. She needed him to be there for her and he needed him to tell her about Peter. She just needed her fucking brother.

"Keener-Potts to Keener-Stark do you copy?" she asked, trying to sound cheery before beginning her much needed vent- but it never came to that.

"Copy. Abbie, listen carefully alright. I- I fucked up bad. I need to go right some wrongs, fix a few things. I- I might come back a very different person if I come back at all. I just need you to know I- I really do care about you. Alright- I am so, so, fucking proud of you. You will be amazing whether I will be here to see it or not" her heart dropped and she felt like crying. Any other day she might have come up with something witty or humourful but there was nothing but the painful truth.

"What do you want to hear from me? That it's okay? No it fucking ain't. I know you want to fix the world but what's the fucking point if you're not around to see it. I prefer my world with you in it" she was trying to keep her voice steady but it was already breaking, not unlike his voice. Ollie was looking over at her suspiciously, knowing Abbie didn't cry unless it was bad bad.

"I know Bee. I- I will try. I am sorry for all it is worth" his voice was breaking

"I know I said I wouldn't come to the funeral but- don't let there be one" she practically begged "Harley I can't lose you too, don't do this to me"

"I'm sorry"

The line died. She tried so hard not to dissolve into tears and screams of pain. But she had enough feelings bottled up for them to blow right up in her face and she screamed. Nothing specific, no word, no pleas- She just screamed in frustration and pain. She knew that Harley would not have called her had he been planning on returning. He had just said goodbye for the last time and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Bee, what is it?" Ollie asked carefully and she just shook her head, hand clasped tightly over her mouth to keep any sobs inside. She could not even describe the feeling if she had tried. There was a moment in which she had not taken it in fully. And then there had been denial and then just darkness that tore open a pit in her stomach which was eating her alive. Her throat just tightened uncomfortably and horribly stopping her effectively from breathing. "Bee should I call Steve- is this a Steve moment" she shook her head rapidly, this was the furthest from a Steve moment. This was a mom moment, a moment where she wished Pepper was in Princeton not in Manhattan because she needed her fucking mother to tell her what to do. Because she didn't know.

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