The plan, also lab shenanigans

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When they were back in Peter's lab they still could not quite believe that they had managed to pull this off, it was something so utterly bizarre it seemed normal again.

"You know" Harley said "Your ass looks much better in sweats" he meant it with every fibre of his being

"Yours looks better in skinny jeans" Peter shrugged, smile playing with his lips softly

"You're cute when you try not to smile" Harley added more softly, stepping a bit closer to the shorter boy. It was a shame that Peter had grown used to Harley's rather forward compliments and advances(?) because he did not even flush when he stepped closer to Harley, leaving just a small gap between their bodies, Peter tilted his head back ever so slightly to meet Harley's eyes which made his heart stop in his chest. Peter looked beautiful, he always did, Harley knew that but in this moment, still riding high on adrenaline after working fantastically together on an actual mission, he looked even more hot, there were galaxies in his eyes, there was a depth to them that made Harley think he could see Peter's soul, shining from within, making him glow the way he did in Harley's eyes. His skin was smooth, his lips were right there and all Harley wanted to do was kiss them- but this was a game.

He knew it as much as Peter did and he was not one to lose a game just like that- though looking at Peter, looking up at him like that made it impossibly difficult. He was sunflowers and high kicks, sunshine and the rainbow after a storm. He was all of Harley's favourite things and fuck it if he would make Harley break his own rules, Peter would be worth it. Over and over again.

"You're cute when you try not to blush Princess" the game was on. Harley could feel the blood rush into his cheeks as though it had been on command, Peter's breath almost ghosting over his lips.

"Who are you callin' princess, darlin'?" he drawled, allowing his southern accent to flood his voice, knowing full well it would have an effect on Peter. He always noticed the way Peter was more flustered when Harley forgot to speak with a neutral accent, somewhat New York like, with hints of British and Tennessee, but when he let his full southern accent slip in because it was much less effort to speak that way Peter always reacted.

In a quick and fluid motion Harley had Peter against the glass wall, hands pinned above his head. The gasp that escaped Peter was the sexiest sound Harley had ever heard and it drove him mad, the fact that Peter was furiously blushing was deeply satisfying for him to see.

But Peter did not break eye contact, and the sole fact that Peter could push Harley off in a heartbeat made the entire experience that much more thrilling for him.

"What is it darlin' cat got your tongue?" Harley purred, mere inches from Peter's lips who smirked which sent all kinds of electrical impulses down Harley's spine "It's not fun being on the receiving side, is it?" he smirked and saw peter's eyes dart to the hickey he had left on Harley's skin.

"You gonna put your second hand to good use or what"

If Peter was a sin- then by the Gods Harley loved being a sinner

With great care he let his left hand travel upwards, carefully taking Peter's jaw, index finger softly resting just beneath his chin, thumb just below his lip. But this was not enough. Harley wanted more, with a wicked smirk he lifted his thumb and let it ghost over Peter's bottom lip which sent shudders through his entire Body which made Harley want to give in right then and there.

Peter was positively shivering beneath his soft touch.

"You gotta tell me what you want" Harley whispered into his ear, lowly, his thumb still on Peter's bottom lip. "One thing I've been really curious about is your heightened senses" he added and softly let his thumb move across Peter's lip again "Gods the things I want to do to you" Peter was trying to free his hands from Harley's grasp to no avail though he definitely could have had he really wanted to. Suddenly Harley stepped back, still pinning Peter's hands above him though he repositioned his other hand, letting it sneak below Peter's shirt who looked at him with dark eyes and a slightly annoyed expression because fuck Harley wanted to kiss him but- he'd not lose a game he helped invent. It was great-

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