World meet Harley Stark, Harley Stark, meet May

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A/N: Welcome to Physics, where the author comes up with physics for the sake of the plot.

TW for this chapter: F slur (used casually by Harley), mentions of child suicide, mentions of child abuse, brief reference to mass shootings, mentions of victim-blaming, mentions of underaged sex

"Ladies, Gentlemen, theydies, gentlethems and Everyone in between. I would like to welcome you to my first official press conference. Statement. Announcement. Whatever you want to call it. You might wonder who I am or what I am doing here. After all, Miss Potts announced a press conference regarding the future of Stark industries." The words laid heavy in his mouth, he was used to speaking formally, he could be every parent-in-law's wet dream, teacher's pet and beloved by every academic intellectual by just allowing certain parts of his personality to shine and manipulating language. His tongue was skilled in more than one way. But this was different, these were words he may have stood behind in the sense of an idea but they were not his. Not his word. Not his story.

"So I am here to introduce myself. My name is Harley. It just so happens that my surname is Stark. The heir of Stark Industries. Due to recent events through which my involvement with Stark Industries was revealed to individuals at the school with which I work-" he looked up for a moment with a cocky smirk "by that I mean some dofus called my work phone after hacking my file. After that quite literal wake-up call I decided it finally was time for me to stand by the legacy I proudly carry. The legacy of Tony Stark. It is with great pride that I stand here, hoping to do his legacy justice" he said calmly. His heart was racing in his chest. A few dozen reporters and cameras were staring at him, analysing every last detail of him, the way his hair was combed, the way his glasses sat on his nose, the way his purple shirt was buttoned and the way in which it was stuck in his trousers. The way in which his shoes were polished and the way he read off of the speaker's note the press secretary had written for him.

"It will not be an easy road I am certain, everything requires practice, learning, effort and much more and in reality, I doubt I will ever come close to thinking of myself as an equal to Tony Stark, his intellect is indescribable, as was his character. But I will try my hardest. I am most certain most of you are wondering about my relationship with Tony Stark, to clear up any confusion I would like to quickly explain; Tony Stark adopted me when I was fourteen, like many during the Blip I lost my relatives, Tony who had been my mentor for five years took it upon himself to adopt me and take me in as part of his family" he glanced down on the notes before laying them down on the small table and continuing freely "he offered me safety, family and a home during a time where I barely understood what those words were supposed to mean. I never had the chance to tell him that he saved my life, he knew, I am sure he did, but I never told him. Unfortunately, I never will, I got a second chance and I will use it, hoping to make the Stark name proud." he finished, feeling like he had said everything but nothing all the same.

"So Tony Stark was not your father?" one reporter shouted

"No Tony Stark was not my gene donor" Harley replied "had he been I would probably have hair that could decide whether it's blond or brown" many of the reporters chuckled

"How did you know Tony"

"Funny story, so I started running this questionably legal science blog- in my defence I was eight and did not know the law. Anyway he found the blog through which he found me. He spent the next decade teaching me and mentoring me why he left me Stark Industries once Miss Potts decides to step down" the lie came easy, Pepper and he agreed that version of events was better to be out there than what had actually happened.

"Are you going to be the next Ironman?"

"Ma'am have you looked at me? A strong gust of wind could probably knock me out" he said, but his voice was just a bit too cold, anyone who actually listened would figure out that she had hit a nerve.

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