think you can do better?

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Harley was absolutely sick and tired of meetings. Meetings with the board of directors, questioning him and pepper even though they owned a total of 60 percent of all shares of it, he alone ten which gave him more shares than most others. Meetings within SI about logistics. Meetings with his team. Meetings with Happy, Meetings with legal, Meetings with Bruce (those were actually fun). Meetings everywhere he went, now also meetings at Midtown.

He looked proper-ish. In a deep red turtleneck with black slacks with a thin pattern of lines all across them (that made his ass look great) and black shoes. His hair was in an unruly half bun keeping the pesky locks from falling into his eyes as he absentmindedly stared into his coffee cup like it could answer all of his questions and sorrows. Admittedly, it was a lot to ask of a coffee, but he couldn't help it.

Jeffrey was talking, the dean was talking, people were talking, arranging meetings, talking about fundraisers, ignoring him as he ignored them.

"Mister Keener" he snapped out of his thought bubble about the night he had spent with Bucky because it was one of the few unapologetically hot and pleasant memories he had from recent times that would not sting in his chest for any reason in the way purely happy memories did

"It's Doctor Keener, Mister Winston" Harley said sharply as he glared at his old Statistics teacher, an entirely unpleasant slightly homophobic man who had no sense of humour and some serious issues with authority and taking himself too serious.

"As I was saying as I noticed you drifting off we have a staff meeting after school today"

"I am terribly sorry but I will not be attending" Harley said, voice heavy with his southern accent and sticky sweet "I have a job. A very important job so teaching courses on how to further crush the spirit of struggling students are not on my agenda today" Harley said, voice not changing in tone, staying disgustingly sugary, dripping in discontent for the situation.

"I was not asking if you would like to attend" Simon snapped to which the corner on Harley's mouth quirked up ever so slight as he leaned back in the slightly uncomfortable barely cushioned chair, crossing his arms before his chest disinterested

"And I wasn't asking to be working along side of the man who called me a faggot to my face at 15 in front of ten other students because he caught me hugging a boy before class, I did not ask to teach alongside the people who politely ignore your blatant racism and homophobia, sexism and certain staff members tendencies to stare after underaged gals. I am not obliged by my PhD supervisor to attend so I will not do so. If that would be all. I have a class to teach"

"Mister Keener" he spluttered, red faced as their colleagues kept looking between the two, the dean rendered speechless

"It's Doctor Keener, Simon" he said, winked at the man and marched out of the room, coffee cup in hand, laptop tucked underneath his arm while he walked to the empty classroom that had, for time being, become his. Returning to Mid Town had been strange through and through, he was teaching kids he went to school with for fuck sake. One of the guys he had a short lived (definitely not heterosexual) friendship with whilst finishing his freshman year was now a student in his class after having to repeat junior year. It was so fucking weird. But Harley made no big deal of it and it seemed to work just fine.

But he also taught Flash, Peter, MJ and Ned. Which was far from fine. Nobody knew who exactly he was. Tony had done magic to keep him from the prying flashlight of the press, as had Pepper, as far as the press was concerned he was just the guy who had snogged the sons of the British prime minister. That he, in actuality, was the future CEO of Stark Industries and hence the heir to Tony's legacy, including but not limited to all his plans, company and cars was knowledge kept by very few people within Stark Industries and himself.

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