Best friends sister

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Best friends sister
High school musical
Chad Danfourth

Best friends sisterHigh school musical Chad Danfourth

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When your young you only know a few things, your home address, who your parents are and any further family like your brother and sister, what your favorite animal is, your favorite sport along with what you wanna be when you grow up and depending on your imagination as a kid some said princess which was Tory, others said race car driver like Troy and Chad, a popstar was Sharpay, a president was Taylor's choice which was so realistic it confused everybody including there teacher who then excused them all for recess.

Then you grow up, you graduate to middle school where the people who still because of there daddy's money believe in there delusions like Sharpay and Ryan who still believed they were gonna become pop stars forcing the rest of the school population to watch them as such for every single musical although Tory put her skills in by putting the choreography together with the school pianist Kelsi although what they did amounted to nothing cause in all honesty nobody knew Tory did that because she hid it with her cheerleading skills going to competitions and cheering for the boys Troy and Chad during their basketball games, in which that's when it started the looks of when Chad looked to Tory while she and Troy weren't looking to where when he'd look away, Tory would turn and look at him while her brother wasn't looking.

And when high school started all of that seemed to get worse cause as in the two years they've been there Tory focused on her cheerleading and Chad focused on his basketball in which neither told each other or another soul about how they felt towards each other and it seemed at this rate as they were already coming back from winter break into there junior year both were gonna take this secret to the grave. Although it seems Troy had other plans as him and the new girl Gabriella Montez seem to cause a whole uproar of secret sharing after they shared there's with everyone on a piece of paper in the school hallway for callbacks.


Danielle Campbell as
Tory Bolton
"Cheerleader and secret dance choreographer with a crush on her best friend."


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Best friends sister, Chad DanfourthWhere stories live. Discover now