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Chapter twenty seven
"Show must go on."

In a matter of days they all had shockingly found out that Gabriella was not gonna be finishing the school year off with them and joining the freshman honors program at Stanford University which had caused a chaos within the school musicale as they all sat in the auditorium freaking out or at least Tory was as she sat next to her brother who leaned his head against his shoulder, Gabriella leaving him like she did really broke him "all right, everyone! Attention, please! Listen up. As some of you know Miss Montez is no longer available to us. However, the show must indeed go on. So, Sharpay you will do Gabriella's duet with Troy." Mrs Darbus shared as Troy squeezed Tory's hand, she squeezed his back silently letting him know that it'll be okay.

"Tiara, are you ready to step in for Sharpay?" Mrs Darbus asked and if Tory was being honest she didn't even know Sharpay's clone had a name "those sparkling shoes are impossible to fill Mrs Darbus." Tiara shared as Sharpay sat next to Troy "oh, don't worry. Kelsi will work with you." she told Tiara as Tory turned and glared at her "Kelsi is not your little pet! If you want to play my brothers pretend girlfriend fine but messing with her is not happening." she told her and as Sharpay gasped Tory turned away from her as Sharpay stood up "come on, people. Let's rise to the occasion. We're all pros here. Let's do it for Gabriella. Kelsi, Troy, Ryan." she told them all and as Ryan and Kelsi walked up Tory huffed and stood up walking away to work on her performances especially the big finally.

Although that night, laying in her bedroom she heard a basketball get thrown down and when she got up and looked out her bedroom window she saw her brother running inside away from they're dad even when he tried to talk to him and she knew ever since those Juilliard booklets got put in they're hands he had rethinking everything as she sighed. But unknowing to her Tiara Gold was on the phone with the people from Juilliard "hi, yes, this is Tiara Gold a student from East High and I must inform you that one of your top applicants, Tory Bolton has gotten in a terrible accident and has broken both her legs and is unable to dance anymore." she shared "oh my god." the women voiced on the other end as Tiara sighed "I know, we all are hoping she gets better but we are sure that she won't be better by the time of the spring musicale, thank you." she told the women and as she hung up, she smirked.

And as the days continued on Tory's performances were coming along great with none of them knowing about the phone calls though everything else seemed to keep falling apart thanks to it becoming a Sharpay show although Kelsi says that Tory is what's keeping it all together. But before they knew it everything had flown by and it was finally the night of the show.

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