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Chapter five
"Status quo."

The next day, Tory, Chad, Zeke and Troy were all laughing as they walked into homeroom sitting down in there seats right as the bell rang "well, I expect we all learned our homeroom manners yesterday people, correct? If not, we have some dressing rooms that need painting. Now, a few announcements. This morning during free period will be you're chance for the musicale auditions, both single and pairs. I will be in the theater until noon for those of you bold enough to extend the wingspan of your creative spirit." Mrs Darbus shared.

As Tory raised her brows "when's she due back on the mother ship?" Chad asked her brother yet Tory heard them as she laughed with them.

And soon they walked out of class, in which Tory left faster than they did "so are you and the cheer squad gonna practice during free period? Cause me and the guys our going there. Although I still have to check with your brother what we're running." Chad shared as Tory nodded "yeah, we should be between competition and the whole detention fiasco we need all the time we can get.' she shared.

"Tory, over here!" someone yelled to her as Tory turned her head seeing her friends as she turned back to Chad "um, I'll catch up with you later?" she asked him as Chad spotted Troy "yeah, yeah, totally." he told her as the two separated and went their own ways.

In which when Tory walked up to her friends they all gave her a smirk with raised brows as she shook her head "don't look at me like that." she told them all as they laughed "oh, come on! We've all seen the way Chad looks at you and you're no better." one of them shared.

As Tory rolled her eyes "there's nothing going on! We've always looked at each other like that besides Chad's more like my brother then anything else. So, cheer practice?" she asked as they all nodded, cheering as they walked down the hallway, missing Sharpay's glare along with Taylor.

During free period though, Tory did her backflip as the other girls followed suit and as she stood by watching them with her hands on her hips, Chad walked up behind her putting his arm around her "so...um, have you seen you're brother? He said he needed to catch up on homework but it's only the second day of school which means he was obviously lying." he shared.

As Tory furrowed her brows "so if he's not here? What are you guys doing? And where is he?" she asked looking towards him as Chad sighed turning her around and showing her all the guys doing there lay ups "best thing I could come up with." he shared as Tory hummed "you could always separate you guys into two teams and play against each.." she shared as the sound of someone falling was heard behind them.

"Give me a second." she told him turning around and seeing a girl named Courtney on the floor "Courtney! For the thousandth time if you can't do the backflip you do a cartwheel into a split with Sarah! It's not rocket science!" she yelled at them all as Chad laughed "you're cute when you're angry." he shared, not realizing what he said.

As Tory at first was shocked that he called her cute, but in the end she didn't like that as she turned to him with crossed arms "cute? No, no. I..I am a force to be reckoned with especially when it comes to cheer and I won't be made a fool of or called cute. Cute is Sharpay. Cute is a puppy. I am fierce and hot not cute!" she yelled at him turning around hitting him in the face with her ponytail "ladies, formation, now!" she yelled at them all.

Walking towards her team in which Zeke came up to him tapping him on the shoulder "dude, you so failed at that. you're cute when you're mad." he made fun of him, as Chad rolled his eyes pushing Zeke off of him "shut up, she's like my little sister." he told him as Zeke raised his brows "mmm hmm, yeah tell me that when next time when Troys not looking you're staring at her." he told him patting Chad on the shoulder as he jogged off.

Best friends sister, Chad DanfourthWhere stories live. Discover now