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Chapter fifteen
"People change."

The next day, Tory was hanging out with Chad, Kelsi and everyone else in the kitchen before her first class as she looked to Chad "so I was thinking we should tell my brother about us." she as he looked to her "seriously?" he asked as Tory nodded "well, if we really love.." she was saying as her eyes went turning to him "like! Like each other then we should probably let him know." she shared although everyone around them heard what she said including Chad who looked at her with wide eyes "yeah, totally we can tell him." he was telling her as the two turned seeing the boy in question talking to Mr Fulton once again.

In which Kelsi turned seeing it as well and soon so did everybody else and as Mr Fulton walked away Troy noticed everyone staring at him and all he could muster up was holding his hands out until he got called by Mr Fulton "oh, we're telling him." Chad shared as Tory nodded "yep." she told him as they both knew that Troy was not even around enough for them to keep hiding their relationship "I'll see you later?" Chad asked her as Tory hummed turning around and walking off to teach her first dance class.

And once two of her classes were over she came walking out for lunch finding Gabriella "hello, mermaid." she told her, throwing her arm around her as Gabriella laughed in which Chad walked up to them "hey, Tory, Gab." he told them "hey." Gabriella told him as they all stopped looking out at Troy teaching Sharpay how to golf in which Taylor pulled her golf cart behind them, walking up to them "that girls got more moves than an octopus in a wrestling match." she shared "nah. He knows how to swim." Chad shared "yeah, Troy can handle himself." Gabriella shared as Taylor leaned towards Tory knowing she'd have the best opinion on this.

"I did over hear him asking her opinion on his new Italian golf shoes." she shared "he didn't ask me." Gabriella told them as Tory scoffed "well, we all might need to give him a wake up call then cause it looks like she's got her claws deep in him with giving him a college education all for him to sing with her and not you." she shared "Troy would never do that." Chad shared as Tory sighed "open your eyes. He's basically leaving us all behind for his college life that hasn't even started yet." she pointed out in which Gabriella leaned her head on her shoulders "let's go eat." she told them walking off with Taylor.

As Chad looked at Tory "yeah, I got to go. Hey, see you later?" he asked her "yes." Tory told him backing away as Chad went to the other and when she turned around she saw Sharpay no longer with her brother and make a perfect shot "I knew it!" she yelled in which Taylor came up to her pulling her off for lunch "did you see that?" Tory asked her as Taylor sighed pulling her towards her as Tory leaned her head on her shoulder. Sitting in the kitchen the three were eating lunch as Chad walked back in from giving Troy his food "Zeke!" he yelled as Tory turned around her the anger in his voice "yo." Zeke told him as he walked up to him.

"Troy wants Swiss." Chad told him as he handed the burger over "coming right up." Zeke told him running off as Chad walked over to Tory "he ignored you." Tory realized "you know, you were right. Theres a guy out there that looks just like Troy Bolton, but I have no idea who he really is." Chad shared, pulling out a chair and stealing one of Tory's fries just like the old days which made her chuckle in which she knew he must be starving and grabbed half of her sandwich and handed it to him as he began to eat it as she ate the other half of her's.

After lunch and work Tory was hanging out with the guys cause they said that Troy was actually gonna play basketball with them for once as they walked out to the court where Gabriella already was "all right, lets see if Tiger Woods still has a jump shot." Chad shared as Tory chuckled but before they could even get to him his new friends were there "hey, Bolton. Come on." they called to him from their van "hey." Troy told them as he waved "why don't you tell them to come over here and mix it up. We'll show them some game." Zeke shared as Troy sighed "you know, I don't think that'd how they roll." Troy shared.

"That's not how they roll?" Chad asked and they all knew what he meant but Troy tried to back out of it "no, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just think it's a closed practice. Sorry." he shared as Tory scoffed "that's the same thing Troy." she told him "Bolton, come on!" the guy yelled again honking the horn as Tory looked to them "I am trying to talk to my brother!" she yelled at them "Tory, chill out." Troy told her as Tory laughed "chill out. Chill out? Are you kidding me right now!" she yelled at him and lunged for him as Chad pulled her back "go! Nobody wants you here anyways!" Tory yelled to him as Troy headed to the car.

"But yesterday he said we were gonna play two on two after work. Before the baseball game." Zeke shared still confused on what was going on "come on, Zeke, that was so yesterday. You know, when we were all on a team!" Chad yelled to Troy as Troy heard him he chose to ignore him saying hi to his new friends "hey, Bolton!" Chad yelled as Troy turned to him "that's my ball." Chad told him as Troy threw it over Tory caught it for Chad as Troy then got in the van "would you guys be mad it me if I asked him to get me one of those cool Redhawk jackets?" Jason asked as Tory broke out of Chads hold dropping the basketball and going to hit him as Chad pulled her back again "hey, hey. Come on." he told her as he began leading her back inside Zeke followed them along with Jason and Gabriella.

Best friends sister, Chad DanfourthWhere stories live. Discover now