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Chapter twenty nine

It was officially graduation as Tory stood up at the podium giving everyone her valedictorian speech "East High.." she sighed "man, have we had some good times and bad but we've made it through together all of us. Where we've had teachers who at first believed that sports were not better then musical's and that musical's were not better then sports. I am looking at you father." she told them all as everyone laughed.

"But in the end we all learned to break the status quo which in my opinion has kind of been exhilarating especially since doing so we've found the way to define ourselves as who we want to be and not what everyone else says we should be. Where a jock shockingly can cook up a mean creme brulee along with other delicious dishes." she shared as everyone laughed and cheered, as Ryan looked to Zeke who looked back at him.

"And the brainiac who even surprised me was able to not only cheer but break it down on the dance floor." Tory shared next as Martha stood up and did a little dance "or my favorite, the place where a show boy can turn away from his sisters ways and join us wildcats out on the field for a little game of baseball!" Tory informed them all as Ryan smiled pointing at her as she laughed.

"Or the place where your childhood best friend becomes your person." she added on looking at Chad as everyone awwed, Troy nudged him with a smile "East high is a place where you'll meet friends who in a few weeks or even ten years time will still call and catch up with you which I believe truly conveys are message of us being all in this together. Because from what we've been saying all these years once your a wildcat, your always a wildcat." she shared as everyone cheered.

"Thank you!" Tory told them all as she clapped, the crowd stood up clapping as well as the then turned around and got her diploma, walking to the end of the stage she turned around and swung her arms and backflipped off of it as she landed on her own two feet, the drums started up as all students moved around from making the letters E and H to turning it into a wildcat as they all threw their caps into the air the band started up as they all began dancing around, as Troy picked up Gabriella spinning her around as he ran up to Tory and Chad who were hugging each other as he sang

"Lookin' forward from center stage to graduation day

Time to get the future started."

As Gabriella was next to Taylor and Kelsi she sang with Troy.

"What we leave, what we take with us, no matter what
It's something we're part of
We learned to fly."

As she met up with Troy he spun her around as the others danced around them.

"Together, side by side (Side by side)
I just hope the rest of my life
Will feel as good as my..."

And then everyone began singing and dancing.

"High school musical
Who says we have to let it go?
It's the best part we've ever known
Step into the future
But hold on to high school musical
Let's celebrate where we come from
The friends who've been there all along, just like
A high school, high school musical."

Then Ryan was singing as he walked through the rest of the students.

"Improvisation without a script
No one's written it
And now we have the chance to."

As he jumped off the stage he got caught by other students as Sharpay started to sing with him from the stage with the band.

"But someday, we'll be lookin' back, memories we'll have
All the songs that we lived through."

Then she fell back getting caught by other students as she got carried around as she sang

"The best of times
So why leave them behind? (Behind)
Why can't the rest of my life.

Be like my..."

Then her and Ryan met up with each other along with everyone else as everyone began singing together and dancing.

"High school musical (Yeah)

Who says we have to let it go?
It's the best part we've ever known (Yeah)
Step into the future
But hold on to high school musical (Woo!)
Let's celebrate where we come from (Hey)
The friends who've been there all along
That's right (That's right)"

Then Tory and Chad were in the front together as he still had his basketball they sang.

"Now we finally realize."

As he took her hand and spun her towards him as Tory sang.

"Who we are, it just took some time."

As Chad then spun her out the two of them began to dance with each other as they sang.

"We had to live and to learn to see the truth
(Learn to see the truth)
That nothing's ever impossible
Into the future, we all free-fall (Free-fall).

But forever, we'll always have high school

In which Chad kissed her as Troy stood behind them he threw his hands up as Gabriella laughed. Then they all moved into some kind of rollercoaster move as Troy sang.

"Time to party, now, celebrate."

Sharpay then sang

"Cause the world's one big stage"

Ryan then sang

"And any part you want can be yours."

Tory then sang

"Everybody sing, yeah."

As Chad then sang

"Yeah, the show is never gonna close."

As Gabriella then sang

"It's what got us here, we know."

They all then sang

"High school lives on forevermore
High school, high school musical."

And then the drums came in and nothing else as they all continued singing as they danced around.

"High school musical (Yeah, woo!)

Who says we have to let it go?
It's the best part we've ever known
Step into the future (Hey)
But hold on to high school musical (Musical)
Let's celebrate where we come from (Celebrate)
The friends who've been there all along, oh, yeah
I wish my life could be like a...
High school musical (Musical)
Who says we have to let it go?
It's the best part we've ever known
Step into the future
But hold on to high school musical (Musical)
Let's celebrate where we come from (Yeah, yeah)"

Then Ryan, Tory, Troy, Gabriella, Chad and Sharpay all began heading away from everyone else as the girls sang.

"All together makes it better."

As the guys sang

"Memories that last forever."

They all then snag.

"I want the rest of my life to feel just like a."

They all then turned around looking at everyone else as a curtain closed in front of them they held their arms up as they sang.

"High school musical."

As they all turned around a sign that said high school musical came down behind them as they all then jumped in the air and then came back down onto the ground.

Best friends sister, Chad DanfourthWhere stories live. Discover now