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Chapter twenty eight
"The final show."

Everyone in the audience had arrived from parents to friends to even the man and women from Juilliard who were gonna decided who by the show got the scholarship so as everyone sat down the lights went low, Kelsi walked up to the orchestra as everyone started clapping as she then walked to the piano and began playing Ryan came up from the piano as the lights went on the stage showing there senior year sign as Kelsi started singing.

"It's our last chance

to share the stage

before we go our separate ways."

And as she sang, Ryan sat on the piano as he turned to her and started singing with her.

"High school wasn't meant

to last forever

It's our last chance

for us to shine

to bring you music

one more time

so come on

come on, come on

come on, come on, come on."

And as Ryan turned around Kelsi pointed out as a whistle was blown, the curtain went up as Tory, Martha and the cheerleaders in they're uniforms came running out on stage as everyone in the audience cheered and clapped as Tory and the girls started dancing and singing.

"W I L D wildcats!

You know your on

W I L D wildcats!

Come on, come on

East High boys

Let's make some noise

Oh, yeah. W I L D wildcats!

Now's the time."

And as they fanned out as Chad in the guys walked out onto the stage without Tory's brother who was still driving back from being with Gabriella where everyone once again cheered as Chad began to sing and dance with the guys and their basketballs.

"this is the last time

to get it right

this is the last chance

to make it our night

we got to show

what we're all about

work together

this is the last chance

to make our mark

history will know

who we are

this is the last game so make

it count it's now or neverrrr


And when they were done the whole crowd started to cheer for them as they began heading off the stage. And before Ryans performance Tory was going on for her solo as she ran past everyone else to go get changed as she met up with Taylor who was holding her dress "go, go, go." she told her as Tory grabbed the dress and ran off Taylor and Martha ran after her as the stage began to get changed for her performance where when Tory was getting changed, Taylor had zipped up her dress as Ryan ran in with Kelsi "Tory, there's a problem." Kelsi told her as Tory put her hair down and looked at her "other than my brother not being here and potentially ruining our show?" she asked as she began walking out with Taylor and Martha following her.

Best friends sister, Chad DanfourthWhere stories live. Discover now