the sequel

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Blowing the eyelash from his cheek, I wished for only one thing. I wished this moment would last forever. I wanted to stay hidden in his arms and warm snowy sheets. With his arm curled around my waist in our own little world. Safe from others and the shit life threw at us. Oh, the sweet ignorance.

Our breathing slowed, and the heat from our bodies mingled to make us feel like one instead of two. That was where I wanted to be. Nowhere else had ever felt this right.

I looked into his angelic eyes and rubbed his cheek with my thumb. I asked him to stay. I know that was just selfish, and I asked for too much.

"Kiss me like you missed me," he begged me and closed his eyes.

"I did," I said. "My letter told you I did."

"Yeah, but-"

I kissed him before he could finish. Properly. Like I meant it because I did. Letting him go wasn't the hardest part. Still loving him afterwards was.

I was blowing the seeds of dandelions, throwing coins to the fountains, blowing the candles on the birthday cake, watching falling stars wishing I wouldn't have let him go.

•   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   🌸   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •


Buon pomeriggio a tutti 🌤
I promised you a sequel, and here it is. I hope you will enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the first book.

 I hope you will enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the first book

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Loads of love
Anna <3

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