~ trentatre ~

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🌸 note 🌸

Hello everyone! I know this update took literally forever, so I'm sorry. I just had my uni exams, and there are some major changes in my life, so I just needed some time for myself. I hope you will like this chapter and hopefully see you soon.

Loads of love and happiness, Anna <3

• 🌸 •

Switzerland, August 2019

Pia sat behind the piano together with her little brother. She tried to teach him something new to play. Nicky was more than talented, in her opinion. He inherited the talent which was circulating in the Sabatini bloodline.

The rest of their family was still outside together with Charles, but Nicky could probably feel how uneasy his sister felt, so he just grabbed her hand and made her go with him inside the house.

"Do you like Charles?" Nicky asked his older sister as he stopped playing. Pia was taken aback by that question. "I saw you two hugging. It was like dad hugs mum," he said. It was foolish they would ever make it as far as Seb and Gianna – living together, being married and having three kids.

The Italian didn't know what to answer. The short answer was yes. No matter how much he hurt her, she still liked him. "I do," she decided to say. "What about you? Do you like him?" she asked. Now the question had a completely different context.

"I guess he's nice," Nicky said after a while. Charles tried to talk to him, but as always, Theo stole his attention away. Not that Nicky minded it. He was actually happy when he wasn't in the spotlight. "But I don't like that you're so uneasy when he's around," he added. He always noticed things like that. Since he didn't join the conversation so much, he had time to observe others and guess what they felt. He always paid more attention to his older sister because he loved her dearly.

"Well, it's complicated, you know," she said before placing her finger on the white tile and started playing. I love you by RIOPY. Pia was so focused on her fingers that she didn't even hear the footsteps, which meant someone joined her brother in listening to her play.

"Will you leave us alone for a bit, little man?" The Monegasque asked Pia's brother. The Italian was surprised when she saw that her brother really listened to the Ferrari driver.

"What do you want, Charles?" She asked him right away.

"I- I just-" the Monegasque didn't know what to say. "Yeah, I just- I know I fucked up, and I'm sorry." He really was sorry but doubted it helped with anything. He made his decision, trying to lie to himself that it was the right decision, but when he was about to fall asleep, he had to face the fact that he was fucking stupid. He had to face the fact that he had made a wrong choice. It was something that kept him awake a lot of nights.

He was a selfish coward and knew it. He backed out because he was scared of getting hurt. He backed out and hurt Pia rather than potentially hurting himself. Funnily enough, he ended up hurting both of them so much more by this move.

"I know you're mad, and you have every right to hold a grudge. I don't expect you to forgive and forget. I just want you to know I am sorry. Truly sorry. There isn't a day when I wouldn't think I'm a stupid coward," The older one let out.

He couldn't get that thought out of his head. No matter how many activities he could do, it just wasn't enough. No matter what, the thoughts about Pia always came. 

"Charles," the Italian said in a warning tone.

Maybe it was time to finally accept he would never be by her side again. Perhaps it was time to get used to the fact that nobody would ever call him Pia's Charles.

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