7- A night at the model's

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Lumine's POV:

We drove away from the restaurant, leaving the rest of our friends behind. I seemed quite upset, but Ganyu warmed me up by playing some games in the car. Like Rock Paper Scissors. While, I start worrying about Aether. He looked worried, but Xiao just sat there. But then as I look back towards Ganyu, she seemed very excited. I was thinking, what's she excited about? I look back to see Xiao kissing Aether on the cheek, but Aether felt very surprised. I start to get angry, I was about to punch Xiao for touching Aether. But then, Ganyu stopped my fist from hitting him.

'Lumine calm down!' She seemed heartwarming,
'B-But! He kissed Aether! I have to save him at least!' I was pointing at Xiao,
'Listen Lumine, you have to let Aether take care of himself sometimes, and be more supportive!' She was starting to get gleeful around me.
I looked around, I sigh regretfully.
'Alright, I guess.. It's true that he can sometimes help himself sometimes.' I seemed upset, every year I felt helpful around Aether. But it seems like he's growing and going away from me.

Then I felt arms around my waist, it was Aether. I look at his face, he seemed very worried about me. So I hugged him back, and I was tearing up. Then I could see Xiao staring at Ganyu, while I turn my head to see Ganyu holding her hands out for a hug. Xiao said no, obviously.

After a while, we finally arrived. It seemed humongous, they were very rich I assumed. We stepped outside as the driver let us out, the guards were blocking the gates, I seemed confused.

'They're with us.' Ganyu stated clearly towards the guard.

The guards nodded and let us in, there was a huge fountain in the middle of the path, leading in the middle. The area was huge, I wonder what they do with their spare spots? We entered inside the house as Xiao quickly unlocked the door. The interior was very nice, the chandelier was hanging from a gold, short pillar, the floors were all polished, there were lots of rooms downstairs. As I walked around, to my surprise, I could hear somebody cooking in the kitchen. I start looking for the kitchen, turning left to right, then I found...Mr.Zhongli!? He looked to his side, looking at me.

'Oh, Lumine! What are you doing here, If I may ask?'
'Ganyu wanted me and my brother to stay over, we won't be attending school for a few days.
'Alright,' he said calmly and continued slicing the carrots.

I went back to the main room, seeing them all talk made my heart warmup. I headed towards them, they were sitting on a red, leather couch, I sat beside Ganyu as Aether always fiddled with his hair. We were all organising stuff for the rest of the week, because me and Aether were warned not to go outside. It was just because of the amount of drama we made, and plus, apparently if we entered the school, me and Aether would start being crowded around by protesters. Then Childe will make our life even worse!

'Okay, I've gotten something in mind,' Ganyu quietly thought before she spoke,
'Aether is staying with Xiao, since we have no spare rooms upstairs.'
'Lumine, you're staying with me, if you don't like the arrangement, then go ahead and sleep on the leather couch! Trust me, it's uncomfortable.'
I wouldn't be able to say no, since I didn't want to sleep on a un-comfy surface. So I nodded silently as I head upstairs, the driver was told to get our stuff with Aether. Not gonna lie, but Childe might be a killer on the loose, I also have suspicions on Scaramouche. I was told he killed a few people in the past, but somehow got away with it. I flopped myself on Ganyu's bed, and sighed.

After Aether's back..

Aether's POV:

I was told I was sleeping with..XIAO!? Why does it have to be him? I nodded as I headed to Xiao's room, I hate the fact I was going to be sleeping with him I opened the door seeing and he was walking around, shirtless. He seemed like he was sweating, but he it was just hot inside his room. I blushed slightly, and covered my eyes as I walked around to his desk. He seemed concerned, and he was looking at me while I was unpacking my stuff at the side. I was still keeping a gap between me and Xiao, as he was just holding his phone and staring at me.

'You know you don't have to cover you're eyes, we're both boys?' His voice was slightly cold,
'I-I know, I just dislike it.'
Xiao walked to his closet and put on a shirt.
'This better?' He walked towards me, putting a hand on my shoulder. He was sitting right next to me.

I looked at him, I nodded slowly as I quickly unpacked my stuff. Xiao stared at me while I was doing it, it was kind of creepy. But I ignored it most of the time. He walked away and stood beside his bed.

'Aether,' he muttered quietly under his breath,
'Can you come here?' He was standing, I already finished unpacking my stuff, so I headed to his direction.
'Xiao, I got this random person saying that they know me.' I stated that before he could speak,
'Hm, who is that person?' He asked curiously.
'Their name is AlmondTofu, on Instagra-' I was cut off to see Xiao's finger was on the bottom of my chin.
'I see, you figured me out.'
I looked at him confused, I suddenly noticed what he was talking about.
'Y-You're the one who called me princess!?' I shouted, Xiao's finger quickly headed to my lips.
'Be quiet, my Father might be asleep.' He demanded,
He looked around, he locked the door and came back.
'Yeah, what's the problem calling you princess?' He seemed stern.
'It's embarrassing when somebody else give's me a nickname like that.'
'Alright.' He flopped on the bed, and offered to let me sleep beside him.

I resisted, but then he pulled my hand leaving me on the bed, beside, him. I sighed and turned the other way. It was kind of embarrassing when I sleep with other people, especially when I was young, with Lumine, we would be cuddled on the bed together with mum and dad. I start to get sleepy, and I close my eyes shut.

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