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Xiao's POV:

After the incident of Aether being shot by Ayaka, we've come to visit him everyday with a bundle of new flowers. He never awoke, he's going to be in a coma for 9 months. Everybody got upset, including me. I cared for Aether, but I never really liked Ayaka at the first place. Today, I decided to go by myself to get flowers for Aether, since everybody else were busy, and I was the only one available. I wanted to drive myself this time, so I asked if I can take the car and drive. I'm capable of driving, since I'm over 16. I exit the house and head over towards the gate, where the car was parked behind it. The driver was sitting still on the seat, he told me where I was going, but I just told him that I was driving myself this time. He smiled. 'Jump right in!' He exited out of the drivers seat, letting me take over. He walked around the car and stood at the gate, waving a goodbye to me. He was a nice guy.

I drove off, luckily, the mall is close to our home. It's only 4 minutes away, I kept thinking about Aether while driving, but sometimes I had to let it go when I'm doing important stuff. I parked the car and stepped outside. The cold breeze touched my face, the mall was huge. As always, I walked across the crosswalk and entered the tall building. I pulled out my phone from the pocket, then while I was doing that, women were staring at me. It's kind of weird. I am alone, so I might come across somebody that I hate the most or who I don't mind. I walked a long way already, the flower shop was at the other side of the mall, so I had to make my way over there. I looked through my phone, looking through my previous texts with Aether. It makes my heart warm up. I smile, but then turned my smile back into a frown when I heard somebody calling my name. I glared up seeing a girl rushing towards me, it was Quincy. The person I hated the most, why'd I have to come across her!? I try to back away, and run. But it's too late, she was standing in front of me, I could hear her pants. That is...forget it. 'Hi Xiao dearest!' She tried to put her hands around my neck. 'What the hell!?' I shoved her away as she stood there confused, 'Do you not like me anymore Xiao?' she giggled and tried again. Should I tell her the truth? I shoved her away, as she stumbled on her feet. 'What's wrong Xiao?' She tried to act playful in public, so they can see her as a nice lady.

I got angry, so I tried to walk away as quickly as possible. I went here to grab flowers for my boyfriend, not her. She followed me on the way, she was a chatterbox and was really irritating. I could punch her to the ground right now, but we're in public. I sigh, angrily, 'Could you stop following me.' I glared back and continued walking as she stayed silent. 'Are you single Xiao?' She asked, 'Cause I was about to confess a few minutes ago, but you shoved me away!' She smiled. I stopped. I rotate my body facing her, I had to tell her the truth. So she can finally give me some space.

'I'm gay, idiot.'

She was frozen in shock, 'You're what!?' She put her hands on her mouth as she shouted that. Everybody heard it, I assume. I looked around to see a crowd eavesdropping us, I threaten them to go away. I faced my head towards Quincy who was still standing there, she had no idea what was coming up. Good.

'Who do you like...?' she stood there, standing still, not moving except for her lips.

'I'm dating Aether, now go away.' I tried to threaten her, as she kept following me and asking me questions.

Until she finally stopped, I try to run away as fast as possible so she wouldn't notice me, running through the crowd. I was almost at the Flower boutique, as a few people entered and exited the shop. I noticed something strange, some people were staring at some thing. I quickly run over to the shop. As I stopped at the entrance, the people crowded over at the front. Somebody was singing, I didn't care about who was singing and embracing themselves in front of the crowd. I walked inside, the botanist asked what flowers I needed, I just told her what was best if I got something for somebody. She rushed over to white flowers and started inspecting each flower, her gaze finally met one. She picked a huge bundle of white flowers, she told me they were Cecelia's, I think Aether would like them. She ran quickly behind the counter and asked me to place the flowers on the counter, I payed and left. Finally, I could get some peace. I walked through the hall, I examined where I was going, hoping not to run into Quincy again. She is stupid.

The huge glass door was in front of me, I walked towards it and it automatically slid open, now it's time to see Aether. I felt happy every time I visit Aether, it just enlightens my heart. I walked through the crosswalk and entered the car. I drove off. Maybe it was time for me to actually tell Ayato about what his younger sister did. Apparently, it's been on the news ever since, nobody has found the killer yet. But, the rest of the members do know who it was, it was kind of obvious. That time I was running up the steep hill, I saw long hair, tied up and she placed something in her pocket. She also left some traces of her light blue hair, but the ambulance nor the cops actually decided to pick it up. Even though it was apart of the crime scene. I drove for 5 minutes, the hospital was kind of far away from the main mall. Then when I was about to exit the car, after I parked, I heard my phone ringing in my pocket. I picked up, it was Kazuha.

'Hey Xiao.' He seemed upset aswell,

'Hi..' I replied silently, hoping that he'd hear that.

'Where are you? I'm at the hospital, at Aether's room,' He said through the phone as I can hear pain in the back.

'What's happening there!?' I shouted, I seemed quite obvious.

'Oh, Aether is just thinking of stuff, and the doctor came to check on him a few minutes ago.' He replied shortly after,

'Alright, I'm coming.' I quickly said as I canceled the call and put my phone in my pocket.

Is Aether okay?

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