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You, Camilo, Abby, May and Janice finally arrived at the Convention. You dressed up as Mirabel, May as Nezuko, Janice as Julieta and Abby as Pepa.

“Agh, y'all didn't tell me that you guys are all dressing up as Encanto Characters!!! I could've been Isabella!” May Exclaimed and you guys chuckled.

“We already told you but you weren't listening, you were busy daydreaming about random stuff.” You said.

Moments after standing, you guys started to look around the convention, taking pictures and such.

“NEZUKO-CHAN!!!!!” All of you turned as you heard voices yelling. Seconds later there were a pack of men dressed us a Zenitzu chasing Nezuko Cosplayers.

“Crap! Crap! Crap!” May ran away leaving the four of you bursting into laughter.

Abby and Janice also left after seeing some handsome cosplayers leaving you and Camilo together.

“What now?” Camilo asked. You then pulled Camilo and ran to the crowd.

I was a memorable experience for Camilo. He never seen anything like this his entire life.

Meanwhile, Dolores and Mirabel was also in the crowd asking people if they've seen Camilo but still they get the same response they've been getting since this morning, “There's a lot of Camilo Cosplayers around.”

“Agh, you know what? I give up! I'm just going back to Encanto, wait for Camilo to come back and pretend I was never here!” Mirabel started to walk away but Dolores stopped her.

“Mirabel we have to keep searching! We're this close in finding him!”

“But it's useless! We won't find him like this!” Mirabel exclaimed.

“Then we make another plan. Mirabel, please.” Dolores begged.

Mirabel sighed, “I'm sorry for yelling. You're right, let's find Camilo.” they then started walking and bumped to A Camilo and Mirabel Cosplayer.

“Lo siento!” Mirabel and Dolores said as they continued to walk away.

“It's okay.” Camilo said. Dolores and Mirabel kept walking till they heard the voice walking away. Dolores stopped and Mirabel looked at her.

“Dolores?” Mirabel Called.

She recognized that voice everywhere. “Camilo. It was Camilo!” Dolores said. But the moment they turned around, You and Camilo were already gone.

“Mierda!” Mirabel exclaimed. “Uhh You go there and I'll go here. Meet me back at the Entrance afterwards, si?” Mirabel added as both of them started to run around looking for You and Camilo.

“Hmm, I wonder where the girls went. It's been like 1 hour since we came.” You said.

“Maybe they left?” Camilo asked.

“Nah, they're not gonna left place like this. I'm sure they're around here somewhere.” As you and Camilo look around, Camilo noticed a boy staring both of you.

It made Camilo Abit uncomfortable and Later on, you also noticed it. But instead of feeling the same way as Camilo, you were stunned with his cosplay costume.

You came near to him Pulling Camilo too. “Y/n, what are you doing, No!” Camilo whispered at you.”

“Relax! He's just a cosplayer.” You turned to the boy. “Hi I'm Y/n and this is Camilo! I have to say, you look amazing! How are you cosplaying. You look oddly familiar!”

“Carlos Madrigal. I'm cosplaying him.” The boy said and you were still stunned.

“Carlos Madrigal? Who the heck is Carlos Madrigal?” Camilo thought.

Red Eyes, Red or maroon ruana with zigzag strips on it. White Sleeves, Black pants and Sandals. Camilo noticed the guy looked like him but a bit different.

“You mean like Camilo's Concept Art Carlos Madrigal? You look fantastic!” You smiled.

“Thanks, Cariña!” Carlos smiled a bit.

Cariña?!” Camilo thought again. “Is he trying to flirt with Mi amor?!”

Before Camilo could react, You're eyes shimmered in Surprise that confused Camilo.

“Wait.... Carlos? As in my Carlos?” You asked.

“Her Carlos? What the fuck is going on?”

“As in your Carlos, Cariña.” Carlos winked and you hugged him tight as you screamed in joy.

Camilo felt weak all of a sudden. Cariña, My Carlos? Did Y/n replaced me with a Guy who looks like me?”


SIMP Book 2: Camilo Madrigal × ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now