Chapter 3

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I'm obviously not in hospital, I'm at home, Lying on the couch like I said before. But today, I have a round of harsh Chemo. It's not a big deal, I get it every three mom drives me to the hospital, the Children's Hospital in Florida, The doctors greet me. I'm a regular here. The dutch tulip man obviously doesn't come, he's got some "important business". The nurses drag me in a wheelchair to my room, even though I don't need a wheelchair. But I guess they're just trying to be nice. As I sit in the cozy but itchy bed, the nurses attach the IV, hook me up to some machines, and put three medicine bags on the IV pole, all filled with yellowish liquid. After about 30 minutes of playing on my phone, it died. So I grabbed the remote and turn on the tv The hospital provided. I click the soft button to turn the television on. The only channels they really had here even though it was a Children's Hospital was the news. So I wasn't really listening for the first 15 minutes. But then something caught my ear, it said that there was a cholera outbreak in some part of the world. And that's what started it all. All my boredom was suddenly gone as a new idea suddenly popped into my head like a firecracker. I knew what I was going to do.

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