Chapter 4

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After I got home from the hospital, I asked my mom if we can go to the store and buy some craft stuff. She asked why but didn't push the matter. In the end, I ended up getting a neon green poster, some blue markers, a small table, and a clear box. I went back to the house and set the table up outside. I taped the poster to the rim of the table so that people could see it, but just before that, I wrote on the sign with the blue markers; CHOLERA CURE FOUNDATION. at the bottom I wrote smaller, but big enough letters that you can see; KIDS WITH CANCER ALL AROUND THE WORLD CAN HELP. it seems like a pretty crappy piece, but I took it anyway. My neighborhood was generally busy because it was a Monday, 3:30. So some people were just coming home from work. It would be a great time for them just to drive by seeing my bright sign and maybe donate a couple of dollars. First car that drove by knew me,Mrs. Sandswork. She's nice, but can be nosy at times. This time however, she wasn't nosy at all she walks up to me and says, "what a great thing to be doing!" And hands me a $10 bill. I'm shocked. $10? For my first donation? Still, I was getting somewhere. By the end of the day I had only racked up about $75. Which I thought was pretty good at the time. Overall I had gotten about 12 donators, each of them giving me a generous amount of money. My gut instinct told me Cancer Perk. If it was getting me this much money, this is the one time I appreciated it. Not the cancer, just the perks.

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