Chapter 12

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"How did this idea come to you, and how did it all begin?" Another news reporter from the station I had already been on babbled onwards. I don't really know how to answer this, because I simply didn't know the answer. It just came to me. But that's not good publicity. "I guess it all started when I was in the hospital for chemo. I was watching TV and saw that the cholera epidemic spread. And I thought, I'm not the only sick person out there so why not show other people that I'm not the only one." She nods and smiles at me. However I don't want her sympathy, like I said before I don't want anyone sympathy. I want to live, I want to live a normal life, no sympathy involved. When I get home and I'm hooked up to a few machines including the BiPAP, I lay in my bed and think, my mom next to me. "What are you thinking about honey? "she asks reading my mind. Death, sympathy, everything. She looks over at me, it pained look on her face. Then, out of nowhere she smiles. "Oh! Honey I forgot to tell you!" I think for one split second that she's going to tell me something good about my cancer, like the doctors called and said it was just an infection or something. But then reality sets in. I know it's not possible. I snap out of my thoughts as soon as she starts talking."Laide and I are getting married! You everything in my stomach drop. And I know this time it's not the meds. It's the disgustingly real thought of my mother and Laide, together. Disgusting, but a reality.

Hey guys! I haven't been been getting any comments, I think it's because you guys hate my book, we were wondering why my user name fits what I'm writing. Anyway, I just wanted somebody to comment and tell me how I'm doing, because I don't think I'm doing a very good job. Wanted to ask you guys to comment into say stuff about my book. It means a lot! Thanks!-Ava

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