Chapter 9

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Her eyelids flutter, tears glistening in her eyes. I'm not exactly shocked, yet, not exactly expectant. It's more like a neutral feeling that you get when you all the sudden step into cold water. That feeling where everything it somehow frozen with in the climax of time. So I just stare. After I get the feeling of actual reality, every single feeling you could name except for anything that has to do with happiness sets in. Fear, sadness, anger, love, and doom. I think of myself lying in a hospital bed connected to 50,000 tubes and wires connected to many machines, IV bags, oxygen, but most of all, I think of myself sitting there, dying. After that, mother just kept saying that she loves me and that I will never lose this war. I'm not really listening for the first half until she tells me how long the doctor said I would have. She said thankfully 5 to 6 months I mean not thankfully but, at least not 5 to 6 weeks. Thought of the color of foundation pops back into my head and I think hey, if I'm already in the paper for setting up a lemonade stand type thing maybe I could get on the news and start this big whole foundation. I just tell mom I love her and I know I'm not gonna lose the battle. And I am thinking about mom, halfway. But mostly I'm thing about how I could get my cholera foundation bigger, better, and get some more publicity for it.

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