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Layla sighed. Tristan's plan was about to take effect. This entire day was insane. How could she be a werewolf? It did not sound or seem real. Who would believe such a thing? She was human when she woke up. Two arms two legs and everything. A bad temperament should not have led to this, so why did it happen to her? How were there people around who knew what this was, and why were they so calm about it? How did Tristan read her mind like that? What would her father and Tabbia think of all this?

There were so many questions swirling around her confused mind. One absurd fact was that Tristan knew what to say to make things calm down. He just possessed the power to make her feel okay. Even he could tell it was strange; hence the reason for this elaborate scheme to fool everyone. He only mentioned that whatever it was had to be kept secret until it was understood by him. Whereas she understood nothing so she agreed.

Footsteps appeared, and she closed her eyes, picturing her human body. A few practice sessions with Tristan helped her get used to the transition as he called it. The pain would eventually disappear as it was minimal now. The guards of Tristan's pack had been chasing her for about five minutes. It was time to get caught. She got into position and prepared herself.

"What the?" the astonished guard gaps at her.

"Is that a human?"

She starts crying, something she had never had to do in ages. Tears were like a weapon that every female was armed with. She was always tough, never needing tears to get her way until now. It shocked her that she could cry, but with all that had happened to her, they were easy to drop.

"Please, can you help me? I don't know what is happening to me."

"No, she's one of us, but she's not one of ours."

They exchange looks. "Well, what now?"

The guard took off his jacket and placed it over her.

"It's okay. It's okay. What happened to you?"

"I was angry, then all of a sudden I changed... I... I... please make it stop; it hurts so bad." she covers her face remembering the pain of her first transition.

He takes a few steps back and then dials a number on his cell. "Alpha, you need to get here. There's a... situation. Code green blade."

The Alpha was hard to miss. Tristan was the spitting image of him. He was surrounded by his alpha guard, as Tristan said. After talking with the guard who found her, he came towards her, a cautious look on his face as he neared. Tristan said he had a soft spot for anyone who was not a blood relative. It was time to test that theory.

"I am, Thorne Bale the alpha of these lands. What is your purpose for being here?" His voice was deep and smooth exuding an enormous amount of power. It felt warm and comforting. 

Right then she wanted to tell him everything but Tristan said not to. She let more tears fall.

"I don't know... I was just out there, and these things were chasing me... I didn't think I was one of them."

He peered into her teary eyes. "Do you know what happened to you?"

"No," she cries, hugging herself. "I'm scared. Everything hurts."

He started at her for a few more minutes. "Get her to the pack house."

It worked. Whatever Tristan said his father would do, happened. They took her inside, had her cleaned up, and gave her fresh clothes. A few of the werewolf kids heard about the commotion and had gathered near her as they whispered about who she was.

She hugged herself to present fear, it looked like she was frightened by them. This was the most important part: her getting integrated into the pack and not killing anyone. Her temper had calmed with his words so they had to believe this would work.


A smirking kid tapped her shoulder. She looked at him. He was a study-looking one with a mess of bushy hair and a bundle of muscles. He would make a great practice dummy.

"Did you kill your whole family?"

Another one poked her. "Are you some kind of spy?"

"Is she mute?"

"Maybe she's stupid."

The urge to wipe all these judgmental smirks off their faces was eating her alive. However, she stayed in character and shied away from them. Tristan said not to attack them no matter what. Why she agreed to it was a mystery.

"I don't think she's one of us. She's faking it."

"What are you? Why are you here?"

One of them grabbed onto her, pulling her onto her feet. She kept her head down as another one pushed her. Whatever direction she went in, someone pushed back. They all started laughing and jeering, waiting to see if she would say or do anything. It was getting annoying. The urge to take all of them out felt buried but it was all she could think of.

It all died down as someone entered the room. Everyone froze and stared at him.

"Jericho, what is the meaning of this?"

He scratched his head and cleared his throat. "We were..."

"Well? This must be important for you to think you can disrupt my peaceful night."

"We heard she's a killer..."

"Is she? Wouldn't she kill you then? Should I let her?"

"She's nothing for you to worry about. We'll take it outside."

"What for? Just continue."

No one said anything or moved. He walked over to the center of the group, looking at Jericho.

"May I?"

"Errr... yes, Master Tristan."

"Good." He drove his knee into Jericho's side. He doubled over. Tristan grabbed his arm and twisted it back.

"Is this how you were raised?"

"Noo." He cried.

"Is this how any of you were raised? Are you all senseless pigs?"

They hung their heads in shame. He released Jericho. "Sleep with an eye open tonight; I heard provoked killers like to take revenge on their enimies."

All of them scurried off. Layla stood still with her back turned.

"You." He looked toward Layla. I'm sorry I don't expect them to be so harsh.

He spun her around and raised her head to watch him. "What is wrong with you? Stand up for yourself. I could have been sleeping peacefully..."

"That is enough. Is this how you treat your guests?"

"Guest?" Tristan raised his brows You said, it was an intruder."

"Since you like keeping the peace so much, I'm assigning you as her instructor."

He groaned. "You have people for that."

"Disobey me. I dare you."

"Whatever," Tristan grumbled and headed off, sending a good job to Layla.

The next step would be to present her cover story to his father, who would in turn do a background check to ensure she was who or what she claimed to be. Tristan, however, had that covered. He had everything covered.

He was far from the nuisance she had him pegged for. He was smart, calculated, and helpful. He had also mentioned that their sire bond would cause her to harbor no ill feelings towards him. Though now that she knew him a little more, she was finding no reason to hate him. She was still annoyed that he stopped her fight, but it felt like a thing of the past now.

"Layla is it? " Thorne calls to her.  "You will be learning how to control yourself under us. We have rules and you will make heed to learn them all. This way to your room. "

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