"Tristan, you will be late for school." Dianne warned.

He groaned and rolled over feeling certain that he locked his door when he got in last night... Well, this morning. Damn, he felt awful that was definitely the last time he was sneaking out on a school night for a party. Well maybe.

"Tristan, please get up before your father arrives." She spoke.

As much as he wanted to ignore her he could not. She was going to keep nagging at him until he got up. That was the thing about Dianne. She was always trying to keep him on his feet. Choosing to clean him up when he refused to do so himself.

"My father left for six months, Dee."

"That six months ends today Tristan."

He groaned."It's been six months already?"

"Good grief boy, you stink. Did you bathe in  alcohol and sex or what?"

He did do some curious things with the alcohol last night. "Maybe." He yawned.

"Unless you want to welcome the alpha with your foul odors you should get cleaned up and head out."

If his father saw him now he would probably be exiled. He would not mind due to the way he was feeling right now. Left on his own with nobody's rules to follow. Why follow a pack when he could do what he wanted to do.

"Thanks for looking out Dee."

"Get going." She shooed him off.

An hour later Tristan was hangover free and heading to first period. Though there was no point in school. For him at least. It was a rule or demand from his father that he go to school. Which was hypocritical of the man considering his father let him stay home and learn under his wing. His father now prefers to go out and teach others. Guess his screw up son did not meet the requirements.

"I see you've decided to show up at school again." Chloe said as she walked up to him.

"Is that any way to greet your boyfriend. How about a good morning kiss."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "I have run out of excuses so I hope you stay in school from now on."

"I was wondering why I haven't been expelled yet."

The bell rang and students around bustled off to class. It was sad that this was a part of a teenager's life. Living by the ring of a bell. Soaking up useless information with no hope of retaining any of what they have to learn. Why they never came up with something more creative than school was a spectacular baffle. A tinge of anger clouded his mind

"Go to class Chloe."

"Aren't you coming? Tristan you just got back."


"This is not a joke Tristan. You have to be in class."

"See you later, Chloe."

Tristan walked away. With the second bell ringing, she had to get to class. She would just deal with Tristan later.


Tristan headed up to the roof. He just wanted some fresh air and clearance. Maybe some sleep. He could not be around anyone with the way his temperment was changing. Everything had gone from noise in the back ground to irritating.

"Her fury grows at each breaths take. Wonder how much it will take. We must at least soothe the ache."

"How is it a ghost witch is the only one who believes I have visions of my mate."

"There are somethings simple minds can never seem to cacth wind of."

"What should I do?"

"Why not just block her. Seems to work for you."

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