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Without any special help, the buzz of an enjoyable Friday evening was long gone. Tristan missed the times he used to yearn for that buzz. Thorne took it all away, though he should be thankful. He knew he was better off without the drugs and alcohol, the way too-wild nights, and the constant loss of control. He would have preferred to have decided on his own accord. However, it was the only time he ever felt completely free, no matter the downside. It was never about getting drunk; it was about getting out of his head, feeling normal, and feeling sane. Tonight, the need for a mind-numbing distraction was overwhelming. Returning home meant facing his angry father. An issue he would prefer to avoid at all costs.

Henson would have no doubt gone to Thorne about what he did to Corey. All underlings had to know their place and rank in the pack, but today, he put Corey down a few. Overall, the fight would not matter to Thorne. It was the barrage of questions he would be attacked with. What was the reason for the attack on Corey? Why all of a sudden? Who was he fighting for? Who was the girl? What did she mean to him? Why go so far?

It was one thing to claim that he found his mate, but to put a face and name to that claim would cause trouble. With the way things had gone, he knew she would not be safe. Thorne would do his best to get rid of her for the sake of his alpha title and place in this pack.

If he could have, he would have killed that little slimeball. How dare he put his hands on her? Though she might have done the same to him or worse. The rage that he absorbed this time was close to bloodlust. The thought of seeing her get hurt sent him over the edge. It did not matter that she could have handled herself. She did not have to when he was around. Thorne would strip him of whatever freedom he had left for breaking their code. She was worth it though; she was worth anything.

"Congratulations man,"

A pack member gave him a thumbs up. He ignored it until it turned into everyone he met greeting him that way. The only thing he did was rearrange Corey's idiotic face. Why was he being celebrated for that? This was odd and troubling. Was this a trap set by his father to teach him a lesson for breaking their code? The last time things got out of hand, he was forced to propose to Chloe and taken out of civilization for months. The only thing to top that would be a wedding and making her have his kids.

"Hey bro, major congrats," said Marcus.

"Yo," Tristan stopped him. "What's going on?"

"Well, you and Chloe bro. You're all anyone is talking about."


"Your secrets out, you two are mates! No wonder you guys were so close growing up."

What the fuck? Tristan grabbed Marcus by his collar. Did he just hear that right? There was no way Marcus just said that. "What did you just say?"

"I'm sorry man, it's what I heard, we're all cool bro," he squirmed.

"Tristan, come with me,"

Tristan releases Marcus and follows his father to his office in silence. Though his mind was racing with endless questions. Who the hell would start a rumor like that? What was the purpose? Mates? Him and Chloe? This had to be a joke. When had he ever indicated that she was such? How could everyone just believe something like that?

"Sit," Thorne said. Tristan huffed and remained on his feet. Thorne sighed.

"Was it you?" Tristan snapped. "You can't force me to be with her forever."

"It is a rumor and I need you to calm down," Thorne replied.

"Who started it?"

"That is not important right now..."

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