There were two things that everyone at GHS high feared more than breaking school rules and getting caught. Their Names were layla and Tabbia Grey. The fear striking duo. You could not mess with one and not get involved with the other.

Layla Grey was a natural hothead. She was a strike first don't care what happens kind of person. Tabbia although more reserved was the most dangerous. Along with the voice telling her to rip everyone apart she also had a voice telling her to walk away. When provoked however she would not take a second thought to knocking eveyone's lights out.

No matter where they went. No matter how much they got to start over it always ended up the same. Even before anyone crosses the Grey cousins people always seem offended by their presence. Anyone willing to take up their issues with them the wrong way are dealt with.


Tabbia, stopped and looked at the smiling girl. It was rare that people would talk to her. It has been a few good months since any has attempted. She was about to continue walking when the girl spoke again.

"Would you like to purchase a cupcake?"

The girl gestured to the table behind her. Her display was filled with an assortment of colourful looking cupcakes. Tabbia looked at them. Trivial things were useless. What could a measly icing covered snack do for her? What was the sense of waking up each day to face crap like this?

Three girls watching snickered something about her being something. She paid no mind. They were nothing close to relevant. No one ever was. They were merely people with faces that she did not need to waste her memory on.

"She can't afford to buy your cupcakes, Stevie,"

Mya, spoke. Keisha and Breanne laughed adding in their comments. In the final pre-adulthood years these girls opted to act like disorderly children. Their perspective of life as immature as they were.

Tabbia, turned to walk away. Having been around people but not being around them has often left her to be considered an outsider. People like Mya and her friends did not know Tabbia, yet she was like some heated topic in their mouths whenever she was near them. They all attended school together, but no one had ever made an effort to befriend her. In lieu, they gathered to gossip and gawk at her.

True Tabbia, was not one to openly socialize with people. They were irritating, but it did not mean she wanted to be treated as their enemy. Especially when she had done nothing to provoke them. However, this was high school, and she had long given up the want for anyone's acceptance, friends, life. There was not much point to any of it.

"Why don't you give her a free sample, she won't feel so bad?" Mya, blurted out.

Tabbia, looked at her. "Do you have a problem with me or something?"

She crossed her arms and pursed her lips. "I'm just stating facts."

Tabbia, raised an eyebrow. "Facts." She repeated. "You don't know me."

"Come on Mya, leave her be." Stevie, the cupcake girl interjected. Not to help her but to secure her cupcakes as she took a defensive stance next to her goods.

Mya, walked up to Tabbia. "I know you're a bitch, and I know I don't like you."

"Get out of my face,"

Mya laughed, her friends chimed in with a few not so charming cackles of their own.

"Check this bitch out." She stepped closer. "That supposed to mean something?"

Tabbia, stepped back. The urge to punch her was growing, and if Mya did not back off, she would be getting it for sure.

"You think I don't see you around. Messing with people you shouldn't and wrecking lives."

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