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"Oh baby I can't help that I want more than friends." - More than Friends by Mokita

Tori closed the side-door to her home, brushing the hair out of her eyes as she walked towards her cosy little decking, that resided on the beach

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Tori closed the side-door to her home, brushing the hair out of her eyes as she walked towards her cosy little decking, that resided on the beach. Her bare feet enjoyed the cool surface of the wooden floorboards, feeling the small grains of sand flowing past her toes. A glass of wine in her grasp, as she took a seat on the hanging hammock-like seats. The sunset in the distance, as the tide came in, pushing its way up the beach steadily. Tori pulled her legs up, snuggling into the egg-shaped hammock, taking a sip of her wine as she thought back on her day.

Tori had spent some time with Bella, taking the time to explain the origin of her species and about herself. The conversation went as well as could be expected. Bella accepted her kind, with a lot of questions which Tori hadnt felt obliged to answer at that moment in time. She believed the girl should only know as much as the Cullens, as she was only telling her due to the family not having a choice. Tori had made it very clear that no one other than herself were to know, and that telling their friends could ultimately put them in danger. Bella didnt protest, feeling glad lost in thought the whole drive to Tori's place.

Tori was grateful for the lift home, looking forward to spending some time in nothing more than her underwear and white cardigan. This was her own private land after all.

Tori picked up her phone, a frown settling on her face at the sight of numerous missed calls from Sam and Jacob. She cleared her notifications immediately, not feeling at all ready to hear from the pack. Tori was a firm believer that actions speak louder than words. Despite the wolves saying they respected her morals, and her kind. They went against her will, leading to a potentailly dangerous situation. Tori didnt feel that she should have to even explain herself in the first place.

Quickly shaking those thoughts aside, a nervous buzz rumbled in her chest as she hesitantly clicked.

Tori: Psssst...
Sent at 19:34

Jasper: Hello Tori
Sent at 19:34

Tori: Wow, that was a quick response.
Sent at 19:35

Tori: Hey Cowboy :P
Sent at 19:35

Jasper: I was expecting you to message me sooner or later. Did you get home okay?
Sent at 19:35

Tori smiled at his sweetness.

Tori: Yeah, I arrived not long ago. Sitting outside near the beach, with some wine ;)
Sent at 19:36

Jasper: Im glad you're home and safe. I wish I could join you.
Sent at 19:36

Tori: Well, what's stopping you Jas?
Sent at 19:37

Jasper: We need to go hunting tonight, we'll be heading out soon.
Sent at 19:37

Tori: Oh, right :)
Sent at 19:38

19:38 - **Incoming call from

Tori raised the phone to her ear, a smile stretching across her face.

"Hey Jaz."

"Hello Tori." There was a moment of silence settled between them as Jasper tried to find the right way to word his thoughts. Tori took a sip of her wine, leaning her head back and closing her eyes, in content.

"I... I wanted to hear your voice again." Jasper close to whispered. Tori's eyes opened, at the unexpected statement. She bit her lip, trying to conceal her smile.

"You are very sweet, the sweetest cowboy i've ever known."

Jasper chuckled, "Am I not the only cowboy you know?"

Tori paused, "Yeah, you're right." A giggle escaped at the end. "So you admit you are a cowboy!" Tori exclaimed, a wide grin on her lips.

"You are so cute." Jasper replied, smiling to himself as the rhymatic beat of her heart increased ever so slightly.

"So... How come you guys are feeding tonight? I thought you fed last night..." Tori trailed off.

"Yes, you are right we did. Edward invited Bella to play baseball with us tomorrow."

"Ah." Tori nodded, understanding the need to make sure they were fully satisfied.

"I was just going to ask you, if you would like to join us?" Tori smiled, placing her glass of wine on the table.

"Oh, I'm not the best at baseball, but I would love to join you guys." Jasper smiled, pleased with her answer.

"Don't worry, it's just a friendly game, though a few of us can get quite competitive."

Tori laughed, already imagining certain invividuals. Her eyes looked out to the sea, noticing the sun was barely visible anymore, the moon had nearly risin. The breeze had picked up slightly, causing Tori to shiver in her lack of clothing.

"It's getting a little chilly, I'll head inside and get some rest." Tori stood from her cosy seat, grabbing her empty wine glass.

"Wait, what time is the game happening?"

"1pm, I'll pick you up."

Tori smiled, walking into her home. "Sure cowboy, dont be late."

"Never, doll."

"Goodnight Jaz."

"Sweet dreams, Tori."

Tori smiled to herself as she slid under her covers, letting the softness of the pillow bring her mind to dream land.

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