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"Another day, another life passes by just like mine,
It's not complicated..." - Autumn Leaves by Ed Sheeran

"Make sure I get your permission slips!" Mr Molina's voice boomed across the parking lot to all the students mingling around

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"Make sure I get your permission slips!" Mr Molina's voice boomed across the parking lot to all the students mingling around. Tori more or less ran over to Bella as soon as she arrived. She placed a gentle hand on Bella's shoulder, snapping her out of whatever trance she was in. Tori smiled warmly at the girl.

"Morning Bella, how are you feeling?" Bella smiled at Tori.

"Hey Tori. I-I'm okay, I'm fine. Are you alright? I didn't see if you were-"

"Don't worry I'm okay, I was on the other side of your truck." Bella nodded, a smile of relief flooding over a face. Tori thought it was so selfless of the girl to be thinking of her when she was the one in danger.

"Though I wish we swapped places." Bella's eyes snapped to Tori, her mouth hanging open in shock.

"What? W-Why would you sat that?" Tori squeezed her shoulder, "Because if something happened to you knowing I was only metres away I..." Bella pulled Tori into a hug, startling her slightly. Bella was usually very awkward and reserved, definitely not one for displays of affection. Tori's words were true, if it had been her that was hit by the van she knew she would've survived easily, definitely battered and bruised, but she would've recovered within days, unlike Bella...

"Also is my bag still in your truck?" Tori pulled away from the embrace. Bella's face light up with recognition before she turned on her heel and opened the trunk. Tori reached in and grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder with a smile.

"Thanks. Is it okay if I leave the portrait in there? I don't fancy carrying it around all day." Bella nods, insisting it wasn't a bother and that she could get it whenever. Mike suddenly approached the pair, his eyes trained on Bella much to Tori's amusement. She slowly walked away from Bella to save Mike the embarrassment of another person watching the ordeal.

Angela and Eric beckoned Tori over just as they started to board the bus to leave. Just as Tori entered the bus, her face was shoved into someone's chest.

"Tori I'm so sorry. I swear I tried to stop it but I just panicked and the ice-" Tori pulled away from the embrace, a small smile on her lips.

"Tyler, it's okay. I'm fine I wasn't hurt don't worry." Tyler nodded slightly, a guilty expression still on his face. Tori patted his shoulder reassuringly before turning to walk down the bus to find a seat. As she approached the Cullens, Alice waved at her enthusiastically which Tori returned with a bright smile. Her eyes landed on the blonde next to her, noticing his harsh gaze on something behind her. Tori looked over her shoulder slightly, seeing Tyler following behind her. She turned back to face Jasper, finally catching his eye.

"Easyyy Cowboy." His gaze softened when he saw her beautiful smile. Before he could respond, she had walked past him, sliding into a seat beside Jessica with Eric, Angela and Tyler surrounding her. Jasper frowned at the lack of proximity between them before his eyes turned to Edward's empty seat beside him.

The Song-Bird of Forks {Jasper Hale} {𝟭}Where stories live. Discover now