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"The more that I know you, the more i want to." - Starving by Hailee Steinfield, Grey, Zedd

Tori's POV:

"Come on Arizona, Rez. Give it up for the rain." Mike barged between me and Bella in the doorway of our biology class, shaking his wet baseball cap over our heads. I squealed in surprise, laughing as Bella grumbled and walked off to her seat. The rain flicked off as I shook my wavy locks, pouting at Mike playfully. I walked towards my seat at the back of the class, passing Bella and Edward who were sat awkwardly together. I offered Edward a friendly smile, realizing he was the only one of his siblings I had yet to meet. He looked up in surprise before smiling back. As I approached my table, I dumped my bag on the floor and placed my notebook on my side of the table. It was only when I looked up that I realized Jasper was already seated and looking at me, intrigued.

"Hello Tori." Jasper greeted once I had sat on the stool next to him. I turned to face him with a warm. My eyes glanced over his flawless features quickly before meeting his breathtaking amber eyes.

"Hey Jasper, how are you doing?" I felt heat rise to my cheeks as he smiled back at me. "I'm very well thank you. How are you?" 

I rested my chin on the palm of my hand, casually shrugging my shoulder. " When am I ever not happy?" Jasper chuckled, nodding his head in thought, "Very true."

Our conversation ended as Mr Molina began the lesson, "Onion root tip cells! That's what is on you slides..." I zoned out as Mr Molina introduced the lesson, I had attended school quite a few times and I could bet my life's savings; anything Mr Molina taught, I would know. Instead, my eyes drifted to Jasper on my left. His blonde locks hid the majority of his face from my position next to him, causing me to frown. As if he read my mind, he turned to face me. His hair swept out of the way effortlessly, allowing me to gaze into his entrancing eyes once more. I mouthed a "hi", smiling sheepishly as a small smile rose from his lips, mouthing a "hi" back. 

"Come on people, tick tock!" Mr Molina boomed suddenly. I jumped in my seat slightly, earning a hearty laugh from Jasper. "Shut up" I grumbled, nudging him with my elbow playfully. Jasper pulled the microscope closer to him, peering into the lens.  "It's pro-phase" he pulled away almost immediately as if he hadn't even looked at all. That's when it clicked, he didn't need a microscope to view the cell, with his vampy voodoo eyes. I nodded without a beat, writing the answer in my notepad. 

"Y-You don't want to check yourself?" Jasper asked, an eyebrow raised in confusion. I shook my head with a smile, glancing up at him,  "Nope, I trust your judgement." I replied, popping the 'P'. It felt oddly strange saying that, 'I trust your judgement' - like this was the first time of many moments where I would say that with full confidence.

Jasper smiled to himself, pushing the microscope towards me. I nodded a thanks, but wrote the next answer in my book without looking at the microscope. 

"Anaphase." I voiced, pushing the microscope back towards Jasper. I looked up when he didn't respond. His face was twisted in confused, his eyes darting back and forth between the microscope and my face. 

"What? there's no point pretendingggg..." I leaned over and whispered, faking secrecy. His eyes widened before he tried to cover his surprise. 

" W-what do you me-" 

"Come on, Jasper. You don't have to..." I wracked my brain for the right words, "You don't have to pretend.. pretend to be something you're not. Not with me..." I shrugged my shoulders, "I get things others wouldn't understand. I'm different.." I trailed off, grabbing the next slide for the microscope.

"I know." Jasper whispered, glancing down at my necklace, not-so subtly. I felt the familiar warm-tingling sensation as my necklace glowed a similar color what my eyes glow. I met Jasper's curious gaze with a small smile. Before he could ask too many questions, I quickly changed the subject.

"So, you're not really a fan of sunlight right?" I scribbled the next answer down. Jasper looked at me blankly. "Just because you and your siblings don't come to school when it's sunny." I elaborated. He shook himself out of his faze, " I-um yeah, something like that. Our dad takes us up to the mountains to bond over hiking and baseball... We hunt as well." His southern accent drawled. I couldn't fight the smile that stretched across my face at the sound of it.

"What... do you think of nighttime?" I know I was being very forward and suggestive in my questions, but I had never been one to shy away from my thoughts or expressing them. Jasper chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.

"It can be extremely dull. Time seems to drag on when there's not much to do."

"Well why don't you just sl..." He gave me a pointed look, trying to convey a message. They don't sleep? No, they can't...

"I- I mean, not to be rude but that kind of sounds depressing." Jasper laughed under his breath. 

"What about you?" I blinked in surprise, "Oh, well I don't really sleep much if I'm being honest. I don't really get tired much, kinda takes a lot to wear me out." I replied smiling up at him.

The bell rang loudly signalling the end of the lesson. Mr Molina began shouting at certain students to tidy their desks before leaving. I packed my bag as the noise in the room grew louder as the students began speaking with one another. 

"I-I wanted more time to speak to you." Jasper spoke out, looking off to the side shyly. I grinned at how cute he seemed. "Don't worry, we'll have plenty time to talk."

"But... I have some questions I wanted to ask..." He trailed off, disappointment present in his voice as I stood up. "And I'll answer all your questions, when the time comes."

I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, turning to walk away.

"When will the time come Tori?" Jasper called after me. I looked back over my shoulder, a playful grin playing on my lips.

"When it comes...."

The Song-Bird of Forks {Jasper Hale} {𝟭}Where stories live. Discover now