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"I still remember your voice, How you talk to soft in the morning.

You're the only one I'm wanting....but I'm opening the thoughts that I keep within." - Don't Pretend by Khalid, Safe

The deep rumble of Paul's truck turned the heads of a few students as he pulled into the car park the next day

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The deep rumble of Paul's truck turned the heads of a few students as he pulled into the car park the next day. Tori, emotionally exhausted had fallen asleep in the forest, leaving Paul to take her back to his for the night. They hadn't spoke about the incident in his human form since it had happened so they were both treading on eggshells around each other.

Tori glanced up at Paul, noticing how tense he was and avoided eye contact like he was allergic to her.

"You're still upset with me." Tori questioned, more like stated, looking away from him.

"No its just, I thought you were going to come to school with us more." Tori sighed, the unusual heavy feeling of sadness sitting on her chest.  "That's not the only reason, is it?"

Before Paul could respond, the Cullens drove into the parking lot, a large jeep and a sleek red car drawing the attention of many students. Paul watched with a clenched jaw and hard eyes. Tori couldn't help but smile sympathetically, she knew how every nerve in his body stood on edge from natural instincts, that only being heightened by his protectiveness over Tori.

"Paul, I'll be fine..." Tori placed her hand over his, "Trust me." Paul grunted but nodded, his tense demeanour fading as he finally turned to meet her eyes. Tori jumped in her seat at the sound of loud banging filling her sensitive ears. Mike came into view, smiling cheekily through the open window, "Come on Tori, we're heading in now." He carried on walking, Eric, Jessica and Angela following. Tori smiled, shaking her head in amusement. She unbuckled her seat belt before turning to Paul; Leaning over she placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Love P." Anyone who knew the two were used to their strange words of affection. It was very rare that they ever spoke to words , "I love you". That's why it wasn't a surprise when Paul responded without a heartbeat with, "Love Tee." He smiled as she hopped out the truck.

Tori moved to the back of the truck, opening the boot to grab her school bag. She couldn't help but peek a glance over at the Cullens, a grin adorning her face as soon as she saw Jasper looking in her direction already. He smiled a small smile back. Tori yelped as Eric grabbed her arm, pulling her towards the school entrance. As she passed the truck, she waved to Paul. They passed Bella who was in a trance staring at the Cullens, looking for Edward. Tori reached out and grabbed Bella's hand and began pulling her along as well.

"It's Bella right?" Bella just nodded in response, still in a state of shock. Tori smiled over her shoulder at the girl, her wavy locks pooling around her, falling in front of her face.

"Cool, we're gonna get along just fine..."

It was midday and Tori had endured Calculus, Gym and Geography and was beyond exhausted

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It was midday and Tori had endured Calculus, Gym and Geography and was beyond exhausted. It was rare for her to ever feel this restless, she wouldn't describe her body functions as human as such, but this must've been what they felt everyday. How tragic.

The brown-haired, brown-eyed, brown-skinned girl was so lost in thought, she didn't notice the person about to walk into her before it was too late. Neither of the girls stumbled back, both being a lot stronger than they looked. Tori's wide eyes met gold eyes belonging to the pixie-haired girl she was so used to seeing around.

"I'm so sorry... I guess they call me clumsy for a reason." Tori tried to joke, smiling sheepishly. Alice smiled brightly placing her cold hand on Tori's arm gently. "It's alright Tori. Hey you want to sit with us at lunch? I can already tell we're going to be such good friends!" Alice rambled joyfully.

"Umm, yeah aha sure." Tori couldn't help but smile bigger, finding the girl's smile contagious.

"Great, I'll see you then." Alice walked off cheerfully leaving Tori in the hallway.

Lunch time rolled around quicker than expected. As soon as Tori entered the cafeteria, Alice appeared in front of the girl, startling her. Alice and Tori grinned at each other like twins as Tori was pulled to the table. The only spare seat was next to Alice, where Edward would usually sit. Before Tori could ask where to sit, Alice pushed her down gently into the seat, moving to sit in hers in a hurry.

"Hi" Tori greeted, friendly and happy as always, glancing around the Cullen table. Alice introduced her siblings in order.

"That's Rosalie." Rosalie's piercing gaze hadn't left Tori since she'd sat down. She grunted rudely in response, looking down to pick her nails in disinterest. Tori wasn't fazed in the slightest, instead she looked to the brunette next to Rosalie.

"That's Emmett." The boy grinned at Tori, "Hey there, little one."

Tori raised an eyebrow at his nickname, but couldn't hold back her grin. Their greeting was interrupted by the blonde sat next to Emmett.

"Hello Tori." Jasper's husky southern accent met her ears, causing her cheeks to burn without even noticing.

"Cowboy." Tori nodded her head in greeting, grinning cheekily at the Blonde, mimicking him from the other day in the car park. Jasper's laughed, startling his siblings, a lopsided grin resting on his handsome face.

"So..." Alice interjected, a smile playing on her lips, "How are finding school here so far?"

Tori's eyes snapped away from Jasper to look at Alice. "I'm liking it so far, It's a nice change." Tori smiled. Alice nodded smiling back brightly.

"Jesus, you two could be twins." Emmett muttered under his breath. Alice and Tori turned to face him confused, "What, how?" They asked at the same time. Both girls glanced at each other before bursting into laughter. Emmett rolled his eyes playfully.

"Oh great, now there's two of em." Jasper drawled, smiling as Tori glared at him.

"Say, who was the dude that picks you up and drops you off everyday? Brother?" Emmett asked, leaning on the table intrigued. Rosalie nudges him harshly causing his arm to collapse under his head.

"That's Paul, we're not related but we might as well be family." Jasper seemed to breath a sigh of relief which didn't go unnoticed by his siblings. "Our families go wayyyyyyy back." Tori added, sipping on her juice box innocently. Rosalie choked on her breath, covering it with a cough.

"Oh..." was all Emmett could respond with. "Hey, that's a nice necklace you've got there Tori." Alice exclaimed suddenly, reaching forward to touch it. She pulled her hand back suddenly, gasping as it burnt her skin. Alice hid her hand in her other, not wanting Tori to see it heal almost immediately.

 Alice hid her hand in her other, not wanting Tori to see it heal almost immediately

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"I-uh yeah." Tori stuttered, her smile dropping as she rushed to grab her bag from under the table.

"Family heirloom." She muttered under a breath. Tori stood up abruptly.

"I'll see you g-guys later." She smiled apologetically at Alice before jumping out of her seat and walking quickly to leave. She couldn't help but glance back at the Cullens, all whispering to each other, confused. Jasper was the only one still looking at her, a frown adorning his lips, their eyes meeting. Tori quickly turned back around, a shaky breath escaping her as she left the cafeteria...

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