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"Let me photograph you in this light,
In case it is the last time that we might be exactly what we were before we realized..." - When we were young by Adele

Tori strolled through the parking lot of Forks high school, smiling familiar students as she passed by

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Tori strolled through the parking lot of Forks high school, smiling familiar students as she passed by. She dressed casually today, grey joggers with a tight grey T-shirt, her hair down and natural with her white sneakers on. Her ear buds were nestled in her ears, plugged into her phone, her favourite playlist blocking out the background noise of everyone around her filtering into the school. She walked was a spring in her step, her necklace banging against her chest with every preppy step she took. She glanced to her left, spotting the pale-siblings stood beside their cars, all deep in conversations. Her eyes lingered on Jasper, admiring his lean but muscular build. He looked healthy today - His eyes a bright golden haze and if it were even possible, his skin looked better, more life to it. The clogs turned in her mind when she connected his flawless appearance with his feed last night. She watched as his eyes snapped in her direction, though she didn't flinch in surprise as his eyes met hers. Instead, she smiled warmly waving across the parking lot to him. He smiled back, nodding his head like usual. Though today, Tori felt different...

After seeing Jasper last night, seeing the real him... she felt different towards him. She was so used to seeing his usual stiff and slightly fake posterior at school, around humans but last night he was in his element and Tori felt like she had chiselled down a part of his walls, she didn't look at him and feel intrigued, slightly weary or unsure. She looked at him and felt admiration, fondness and a strange longing to be close to him; Jasper felt the change in her emotions from the other side of the parking lot. His body stilled as Tori paused her walking. He could feel her emotions...

He hadn't been able to do that at all and it had frustrated him to no end. Why could he feel her emotions? Tori turned her head to face Jasper again, she felt exposed. She felt like he could see her inside her out; like she was a book being read. Then it clicked. He's an Empath...

But- but why now? Why had she opened herself up to his abilities to him now? She knew she hadn't allowed Edward to read her mind as well or she was sure he would be reacting in some way to her conflicted-internal thoughts. She smiled unconsciously as the thought crossed her mind...

She had broken down one of his walls... now he'd broken down one of hers.

Without a second thought, Tori swivelled on her feet, strolling in his direction. The Cullen's conversations slowly came to a halt as the sound of music came closer, their eyes meeting the grey blob that was getting closer with every step. Jasper remained still, his eyes locked on her moving figure, shifting his eyes to look her up and down discreetly. The causal look suited her, she looked good in grey. She looks good in everything. Edward sniggered from behind him, but Jasper ignored him, too intrigued by the girl who was now in front of him, removing her ear buds in one quick movement.

The Song-Bird of Forks {Jasper Hale} {𝟭}Where stories live. Discover now