•His secret• Chp 1

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Dreamity~ story. If you don't ship I respect you,  I'm a multi shipper.
swearing, self harm? TW
Detective AU (sorta)

Dreams POV:
I looked down at the blood dripping from my arms. I look at the mirror, "Fuck, I'm worthless", I whisper to myself.
I look down and watch as tears hit the sink. There was a knock on the door. "Dream, big man you've been in there for a while now. You alright!?", one of the boys yelled from the other side of the door. Shit I need to clean this up.
"Uh, yea I'm *SNIFF* fine", I blurted out words while trying to make it sound like I wasn't just crying. I pulled the sleeves down from my black smiley face hoodie. I really needed to wash it, there was dried up blood that was becoming crispy on the inside of my sleeves.
I hid the blade in a place I know they won't find it, and walk out of the bathroom.

3rd POV:
Dream walked out of the bathroom, he was holding the bottom of his sleeves in his hand. Like he was making sweater paws. Everyone looked up and raised an eyebrow as Dream acted a little strange, stranger then normal.
"You good, Dream?" Sapnap asked. Dream pulled a fake smile, "yea of course!". Dream looked at the boys. "I mean, but you were in there for a while?", Karl asked not looking to amused with Dreams response. "Uhm..", Dream tried to think of a response, and he needed to quickly. "M-must've been from the amount of coffee I've drank today?" Dream quickly said, but yet sounding confused. George laughed a bit. "See Dream, this is why we tell you to not drink so much coffee" George chuckled. "Well finally your out!" Quackity yelled, quickly he ran into the bathroom.
They all laughed.

Quackity's POV:
After I did my business and went to wash my hands, I realised we ran out of soap. So looking in all of the drawers, I finally found a bottle. But something else caught my eye. There was bandages in the draw. Along with a blade. One you normally find in a razor. But this one had fresh blood on it. "Shit", i knew what this meant.
I put the blade into the pocket of my jeans. Washed my hands and walked off of the bathroom.
"You good big Q?" Sapnap asked. I sighed. "Yeah, where's Dream?". George made a face at my question.
"Where do you think he is, Quackity?" Jeez sometimes George can be a smart ass. "He's in his office, like normal. Over working himself, again". Karl said, rolling his eyes. We all knew he over worked.

I walked into his office.
"Hey, Dream"
"Oh, hello Quackity". He sounded stressed.
"You need something?" He questioned me.
"Yes, I do. And I need you to be honest". I said siting down at his desk. Dream first looked confused but now, now he looked like he was about to cry.

Dreams POV:
Quackity sat down at my desk, I was getting nervous about what he was going to ask me.
He didn't say anything, all he did was reach into his pocket. There was something in his hand. Now I was really nervous.
'Shit, did he find my blade?'
'What is he going to say?'
'He definitely found it'
'Please speak, Quackity!'
He placed something on my desk. I was right.
Quackity found my blade...
I felt tears form in my eyes..
He had tears in his eyes.
"Dream, why didn't you say anything?" He asked.
I looked down and started fiddling with my hands on my desk.

3rd POV:
Dream fiddled with his fingers, as tears filled both his and Quackity's eyes.
"Answer me, Dream. Why didn't you say anything?", Quackity asked again in worry.
Dream still looking at his hands.
Quackity reached for Dreams hands, placing his own on top to stop Dream from fiddling.
Dream looked up as tears fell from his eyes.
"I didn't want you guys to think I'm weak", he whispered.

Quackity's POV:
'Fuck, he didn't want to tell us in case we saw him as weak?'
'Are we really that judgemental?'
So many thoughts went through my head. The words Dream just said made the tears from my eyes fall.
I stood up and walked over to Dream. When I was standing next to Dreams desk chair, I put my hand out as a sign for him to grab it. He was hesitant, but eventually grabbed my hand.
I pulled up into me.
I held him so that he couldn't get out of my grip.
"W-what are you doing, Quackity?", Dream asked pulling away from my grip.
I said nothing and put his head onto my shoulder.
After a few minutes of standing there I felt his tears fall onto my shoulder. Lots of hot, heavy tears.
Dream being a little more taller then me, he needed to bend down a bit to hug me back. As the tears streamed down his face and my own, I felt so....bad, guilty, mad.. I want mad that he did this to himself. I was mad because he didn't tell anyone.

870 words
Sorry for it being kinda short I did this late at night.
What do you think will happen next?
Continue reading to find out!

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