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*Trigger warring* : mild violence, discussions of grief (losing a loved one) & body dysmenorrhea.

*5th November ~ night* - part 1

Ruddy's P.O.V

Pops, Ingrid, Ava, Stormi, Dorian, Dawn, Seb, Newt, Saffi, Marius, Gregg, Esther and I travelled to Graybett hospital via tennis ball around the back entrance. So nobody could see us and it worked like a charm.

"We're meet back here after find Gabe" I elaborated to Esther and my sister. "Ok" Ingrid proposed. "Be careful you guys" I nodded and agreed before the others followed me to the front entrance filled with security guards.

I signalled for pops and the others to hide in the bushes then casually strolled up to the muscle toned men. "Well hello gentleman. Isn't this such a find evening tonight?" I jasted with my hands in my pockets., grinning like an idiot.

But my smugness attempt didn't shine with ether of the two men. One of the men scolded. "Sir you need to left!" "Unless you if have an appointment with us today?" The other kindly., queried. His follow coworker scoffed at his politeness.

"That's why you're here isn't it sir?" The grumpy guard speculated. A crooked smile found its self written on my face., making me suddenly stammer. "Oh well fellas you see?" Before i could continue my act. The two guards knock each other out cold within seconds.

I chucked like a little girl giving the others a thumbs up. Once I did their came out of their hiding spot. "Nice work Dorian!" I raved staring at the two unconscious guards. "No problem" he acknowledged as I patted him on the back finally heading inside of the building.

Esther's P.O.V

I stood back watching Ingrid find a way inside of the hospital as quick as she could. "Ha here is it!" She grasped exclaiming the air vest entrance. Which was screwed against the building. Ingrid undid the screws with her shape feral nails, which appear upon her fingers in within seconds., Throwing the vent opening onto the ground.

Examining the blonde girl in awe., I gushed. "Impressive" "was that a hint of sarcasm Newman" Ingrid protested. "Oh no I was just amazed by your handy skills" I reassured hoping I didn't upset her after saying what I said. "Thanks" Ingrid exclaimed in a half cheerful tone.

"You're welcome" I smiled. Ingrid kindly stepped aside letting me crawl into the vent first. In the back of my mind I was thinking. Why was Ingrid being nice to all of a sudden. In the few years I've known her. She was never nice to me. Nor Stromi, Ava and Harri. But she was to Ruddy, Gabe and Coach Jenson.

Ruddy's P.O.V

Wandering into the reception area tiptoeing. Stromi aims her bow at one of the CCTV cameras. Ava throws one of her axes above another. Gregg casts a quick disappearance getting rid of the evidence. Panic filled the air as footsteps when clicked heels were heard leaving the woman's toilets.

"Hey what are you all doing here!?" The angry woman demanded. Saffi waved her hand whist holding her wand in the other to spell a hypnosis spell. "You didn't see us enter the building. The end of your shift has come and it is time for you to go home for the night"

The women's manner softer and she smiled. "Have a good night everyone" she grabbed her handbag from her desk. She waved at us one last time before  sauntering out of the main  entrance. "Bingo!" Harri cheered. "Now let's find Gabe's ward. Before we get caught" Stormi. "Ditto" Ava and Saffi chorused.

Gregg suggested. "I bet we could beat Esther and Ingrid" we chucked like naugthly school children., marching up to one of the wards hoping Gabe was staying inside one of them., breaking more CCTV cameras. "I,d be up for that!" Newt chimed. "Yeah it would be a laugh!" Seb nodded.

A frightened doctor spots us and starts to run. Before he can get away Harri trips him up then knocks out with their staff. "Oh shit!" Stormi grasped in amazement. "Quick we have to hide him. Before anyone else sees us!" Pops pleaded. And without a moment more we all processed to do as he said.

Ingrid's P.O.V

Esther and I crawled though the vent, using our wolf senses to search for Gabe's presence. But it always lead us to a dead end. It made our mission a lot more  difficult then we adapted. The task had to be completed and just  giving on the spot wasn't the answer. Pops would always tell Ruddy and I those exact words when we were little.

"My knees are killing me!" Esther fussed. I giggled. "Dido Ruddy, pops and the others have it a lot easier us" As Ruddy's name escape my mouth. I felt the raven haired girl's expression light up quite a bit. "You're very fond of my brother aren't you?" I inquired. Much to Esther's delight. "I don't what you're talking about!?" she replied in a panicked tone.

"Its totally obvious its written all over you're face. I teased trying my best not to laugh. Esther blushed in embarrassment. "Is it really that obvious?" I answered wholeheartedly. "Yes it is. And I know he feels the same way about you too. But he's just too stubborn to admit it." 

Esther grinned. "He's really  stubborn but kind" I finally swallowed my pride confessing. "Look Esther I'm sorry for the way I treated you and the others. I didn't mean any of it" my eyelids begun to fill up with tears and I cried.

"After my parents died I push anyone who for close to me away. Because I thought it was better that way and the fact i have a overly large scar on my arm. Which made more of a freak more than ever" I rolled up my right sleeve to reveal my scar. "This is how I became a werewolf"

I dried my tears away and sniffed. "It killed my parents but I and Ruddy escaped with pops's help. But I got in the way thinking I could hunt the beast  only to now become one myself" Esther exclaimed a in concerned manner. "I'm really sorry Ingrid. I didn't know" she apologized., sincerely.

"Its OK" I reassured her and smiled rolling my sleeve back down. We continued to crawl though the vents further until Esther stops in her tracks. She sniffed the air rejoining. "He's here. Gabe is here!" I gave the raven haired girl a quick high five to celebrate. "Excellent now give me a hand with this"

We dig our nails though the wall and watched it fall into Gabe's ward. Esther jumped down first followed by myself to witness a terrified Gabe rubbing his eyes disbelief. "What the hell is going on!" He shrieked laying in his hospital bed. Whist Ruddy and co were yet nowhere to be.

Esther Where stories live. Discover now