Day: 11

2K 86 25

From: Percy
Sent: 6:55

Hey, it's time to get up! I'm not risking going in your room again! I think I still have bruises!

To: Percy
Sent: 7:01

Percy, I'm literally going to kill you! It's Saturday! Now let me sleep!

From: Percy
Sent: 7:04

I know that it's Saturday, I have my swim meet today. You said you'd come to watch...

To: Percy
Sent: 7:06

Dam, is that today? Ugh, why does it start so early?

From: Percy
Sent: 7:09

Yes it's today! I'm so excited! Are you coming for breakfast or do I get to eat your pancakes too? :P

To: Percy
Sent: 7:10

You can have them, I'm still trying to find the energy to actually get out of bed.

From: Percy
Sent: 7:12

Ugh, so lazy! I will come in there with a bucket of cold water if you don't get your butt over here in five minutes!

To: Percy
Sent: 7:14

It's not laziness, it's just me choosing not to get up. I can't run on only four hours of sleep!

From: Percy
Sent: 7:16

And who's fault is it that you went to bed late?

To: Percy
Sent: 7:17


From: Percy
Sent: 7:19

So who has to deal with the consequences?

To: Percy
Sent: 7:21

Me :( fine, I'll get up.

From: Percy
Sent: 7:28

What's taking so long? We've got to be in the car in ten minutes! I really will eat your pancakes if you don't get your butt over here!

To: Percy
Sent: 7:30

I already told you to eat them! I'll be there as soon as I can find my other shoe.

From: Percy
Sent: 7:34

Neeks! I want to eat pancakes with you, not for you! Hurry up! :P

To: Percy
Sent: 7:37

Fine, I'm coming. There better be maple syrup left...

From: Percy
Sent: 7:38



Short but sweet from all the maple syrup that Percy ate. Hahaha

Thanks for reading, it means so much to me!

Question: thoughts on university?

Spread love like butter! -Tianne :]

;) - Pernico/PercicoWhere stories live. Discover now