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*A week later*

From: Percy
Sent: 3:56

Hey, how'd your trip go? Did you have fun?

To: Percy
Sent: 4:00

It was great! I even got you a souvenir. It's not big or expensive or anything, but it made me think of you.

From: Percy
Sent: 4:05

How many chick-flicks have you been watching with my mom lately? Haha Just kidding. And you know I don't care what the price is, as long as you picked it out with me in mind, I'm sure I'll love it. :)

To: Percy
Sent: 4:07

I like watching movies with your mom! She likes more than just Finding Nemo and A Dolphin Tale.

From: Percy
Sent: 4:10

Those are great movies! They have good messages! And lots of fish! :P

To: Percy
Sent: 4:13

You're hopeless! Anyways, I thought it'd be cute if I left your gift in front of your door, so you may want to go get it before someone steals it.

From: Percy
Sent: 4:17

This is the cutest stuffed animal I've ever seen! How'd you know I liked Manta Rays? Best boyfriend ever!

To: Percy
Sent: 4:19

I think that title belongs to you...

From: Percy
Sent: 4:21

You're blushing aren't you? I love it when you get all flustered and shuffle your feet as you play with the hem of your t-shirt. :)

To: Percy
Sent: 4:24

How do you always know?

From: Percy
Sent: 4:30

Because I know you, Neeksgeek. You blush at the most innocent of compliments. You would gladly take the punch for someone you don't think deserves it. You like to keep your room clean because you clean when you get stressed and it forces you out of your room. You always use too much Nutella when you make sandwiches for yourself, and you lick the spoon afterwards. And best of all, you get all flustered when I flirt with you. ;)

To: Percy
Sent: 4:34

That proves it! You deserve the title of best boyfriend way more than me. But don't think I haven't picked up on your little habits too! You keep your room messy because you don't see the point of keeping everything organized when you'll find what you're looking for eventually. You eat your toast with barely any Nutella and then drink a whole glass of milk. You say you hate chick-flicks, but I've seen your copies of The Last Song and The Notebook peaking out from under your bed. And best of all, you get all flustered when I say your name. ;)

From: Percy
Sent: 4:36

Did you just send me a flirty text? Using the ;) emoji?

To: Percy
Sent: 4:37

Yup :P

From: Percy
Sent: 4:39

Another emoji???!!! Either I'm rubbing off on you, or you have been texting my mom too often.

To: Percy
Sent: 4:41

Hey, your mom knows all the good recipes off by heart, it's not my fault that she's better than google when I'm baking.

From: Percy
Sent: 4:43

So none of your new behaviour is because of me?

To: Percy
Sent: 4:45

Nope, I'm only with you to get access to your mom. :P

From: Percy
Sent: 4:47

To think, I've been mislead this whole time!

To: Percy
Sent: 4:49

Your mom is really amazing, you have to admit that she'd be worth it.

From: Percy
Sent: 4:51

Yeah, she's the best. :) speaking of my mom, she just invited you over for dinner. She's ordering a pizza and then we're going to spend the night playing board games. :P although I promise a kiss or two will be involved, and hopefully not with my mom :P

To: Percy
Sent: 4:52

I'll be over in ten.

From: Percy
Sent: 4:54

What's got you in a rush, the pizza or my kisses? ;)

To: Percy
Sent: 4:56

I think we both know the answer to that.

From: Percy
Sent: 4:58

Good :) I guess I'd better stop texting you so you don't walk into a pole while you're trying to reply. As funny as that would be, I don't want to ruin our plans for tonight. ;)

To: Percy
Sent: 5:00

Jerk! :P

From: Percy
Sent: 5:01

One last thing before you go face the streets of New York.

To: Percy
Sent: 5:02


From: Percy
Sent: 5:03



That was the epilogue! I hope you all enjoyed reading this fanfic as much as I enjoyed writing it. :)

Every comment I get gives me that much more of a boost to keep writing, so thank you to all of my lovely readers who took the time to leave me a little comment. :)

As I said before, this fanfic isn't nearly as popular as some of my others, but I love it nonetheless. I don't write my fanfics to get popular, I write them for myself and for anyone else who fell in love with Rick's characters and didn't want to stop reading about them when Rick's books ended. I write them so I can live in their world whenever I decide that the real world is too much. I write them to connect with other people who love reading. Writing has always been a big part of my life, so sharing my stories always makes me feel a little vulnerable, because each story has a piece of me in it, and all the judgement of the story feels like judgement of me, but I think the joy of sharing my stories far outweigh the slight emotional pain I might feel when I get a bad comment. (Not that there's too many, since the majority of my readers are super lovely.)

To end this fanfic, I just want to say that if you have ever felt like you're worthless or alone, just know that although it won't get better right away, there will be a day when you look back and feel glad that you were strong enough to push through the pain. If you've ever felt really low, then try to look at the small details around you. Read your favourite book, listen to some good music, paint a picture, whatever makes you feel alive and part of this world. There are people out there who are on your side, cheering you on, you just have to find them.

Remember to smile and spread love like butter! -Tianne :)

;) - Pernico/PercicoWhere stories live. Discover now