Day: 12

2K 79 58

To Percy
Sent: 9:55

I still can't believe everything that happened today...

From: Percy
Sent: 10:02

Me either... I think my brain stopped working after I got first place.

To: Percy
Sent: 10:05

I don't think I've ever yelled that loud in my life... But I meant about what happened after...

From: Percy
Sent: 10:08

Yeah, seeing your step-mom there was quite the surprise.

To: Percy
Sent: 10:11

I know! I'm pretty sure I stood there gaping like a fish when she asked me to come home with her.

From: Percy
Sent: 10:15

How'd your chat go with her anyways? I mean, it must have been good since you're not crashing at my place tonight, right?

To: Percy
Sent: 10:18

It went better than I expected. She explained why she reacted the way she did, and then apologized. We ended up hugging it out, which is something I don't make a habit of doing.

From: Percy
Sent: 10:22

That's great! Although my mom is going to miss having you around. I think she'd adopt you if she could.

To: Percy
Sent: 10:25

Yeah, I'm going to miss hanging out with you so much. I mean, your mom paid me for tutoring you last night, and my class trip is on Friday, so we won't have any reason to hang out anymore.

From: Percy
Sent: 10:28

What?! We don't need a reason to hang out! Do you not like spending time with me? :(

To: Percy
Sent: 10:30

I love spending time with you, I just thought that now that you don't need me anymore you'd go back to just hanging out with your popular friends...

From: Percy
Sent: 10:38

Look, remember when I said that I was bi?

To: Percy
Sent: 10:40

Yeah... Where are you going with this?

From: Percy
Sent: 10:44

I might have only asked you to tutor me so I could get to know you better.

To: Percy
Sent: 10:47

Why would you want to get to know me? I'm just the outcast nerd.

From: Percy
Sent: 10:55

It kills me when you put yourself down like that! Nico, you are the most amazing person I know. You don't have many friends, but that's only because you shut people out before they really get to know you! You're scared that they'll hate you, so you don't even give them a chance to get close to you. If I hadn't used tutoring as an excuse, I would have never discovered that you can kick my ass at MarioKart, you can bake better cakes than my mom, and you care so deeply for the ones you love that you'll do anything for them.

To: Percy
Sent: 10:58

I didn't think you ever cared enough to remember all those things...

From: Percy
Sent: 11:00

I may be oblivious, but I pay close attention to anything to do with you.

To: Percy
Sent: 11:03

But why?

From: Percy
Sent: 11:05

Because I love you!

To: Percy
Sent: 11:15

Do you really mean that?

From: Percy
Sent: 11:17

Of course I do! Where would I be without my Neeksgeek?

To: Percy
Sent: 11:19

Well that explains all the winky face emojis...

From: Percy
Sent: 11:21

What, you mean this ;) haha

To: Percy
Sent: 11:24

Yes, that....

From: Percy
Sent: 11:27

So, have you got any feelings for me, or shall I be forever pining after you. Unrequited love is tragically beautiful, you know. :P

To: Percy
Sent: 11:29

Oh, yeah. The feeling is mutual, I thought you figured that out already...

From: Percy
Sent: 11:32

Well, I had my suspicions, but I can never be sure with you...

To: Percy
Sent: 11:34

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

From: Percy
Sent: 11:36

A good thing, definitely a good thing, Neeksgeek. ;)


Maybe one more chapter, and then it's over! :( not going to lie, I enjoyed this what more than I thought I would. :P

I have an ig for my Wattpad now and it's the same username ( @tianne789 ) so follow me on there if you'd like. :P

Question: have you ever been in a situation with unrequited love?

Spread love like butter! -Tianne :]

;) - Pernico/PercicoWhere stories live. Discover now