Day: 2

3.5K 97 72

From: Percy
Sent: 7:42

You didn't talk much during our tutoring, you okay?

To: Percy
Sent: 7:44

I'm fine, that's how much I usually talk.

From: Percy
Sent: 7:45

But when I ran into you and Hazel at the bookstore, you barely took the time to breathe between sentences!

To: Percy
Sent: 7:48

That doesn't count, I was in a bookstore.

From: Percy
Sent: 7:49

Awe! You really are a geek!

From: Percy
Sent: 7:55

Nico? You still there?

From: Percy
Sent: 7:57

I didn't mean to be mean! I meant geeky in a good way! ;)

To: Percy
Sent: 7:58

How can geeky be taken in a good way? It's an insult!

From: Percy
Sent: 7:59

But being called a geek means people are respecting your intelligence, right? I thought it was like a compliment!

To: Percy
Sent: 8:00

Calling people geeks is probably the opposite of respecting their intelligence, but since you didn't know, I'll let it slide.

From: Percy
Sent: 8:01

Thanks, but for future reference, if I call you a geek, I mean it in a good way. ;)

To: Percy
Sent: 8:03

I'll keep that in mind.

From: Percy
Sent: 8:07

So, you up for another session tomorrow?

To: Percy
Sent: 8:08

Yeah, just don't be late this time!

From: Percy
Sent: 8:08

I couldn't help it! Jason started talking about food and my mind got overruled by my stomach!

To: Percy
Sent: 8:09

You're such a dork

From: Percy
Sent: 8:10

Whatever, see you after school, neeksgeek. ;)


Hopefully this ends up being cute and not just boring... Haha :)

Anyways, if you like 5 seconds of summer, I have a lashton book posted called Tunnels, and it would make my day if you checked it out. :)

Ever want someone to write you a one-shot using any pairing in the Percy Jackson series? Just leave a comment on my latest one-shot and I'll get it posted shortly! :) (obviously I'm up for boyxboy and girlxgirl or girlxboy... I'll even do harpiexcyclops if you want :D )

Question: doctor who or Sherlock?

Spread love like butter! -Tianne :)

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