healing is a process (d.m)

1.1K 20 4

A gala at Malfoy Manor has y/n returning to the boy she has not seen since the Battle of Hogwarts.

Warnings: grief, mentions of death.

Word Count: 2.1 k

• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– •

The Malfoys are pleased to invite you

to their black-tie event

in celebration of Draco Malfoy,

St. Mungo's newest Healer.

Sunday, August 22, 1999

Wiltshire, England. The Malfoy Manor

5:00 - 11:00 pm

We hope to see you there.

• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– •

A deep breath of air filled your lungs as you stood outside the grand doorway. The gate was tall and opened the moment you approached it, causing a chill to run down your spine. Even the manor must have remembered you.

The air was chilly, pulling goosebumps from your skin. But you stood tall, politely conversing with those in elegant robes as you glided towards the ballroom.

The train of your gown swept the floors and draped over your clicking heels. Despite the nerves you worked hard to suppress, you waved gracefully to your old classmates in the center of the room, rather thankful that a mop of white hair was missing from the group. Quickly joining the crowd, you all awaited his grand entrance.

The Malfoys had not been humble in announcing that their son would become one of St. Mungo's most successful Healers. After the events of the war, they had done everything they could to plead forgiveness from the Wizarding World. Sending their only son into the Hospital Wards seemed to be the best way for them to do so. But to no one's avail, they had not done so graciously.

Gasps were heard as the youngest Malfoy descended the stairs. Despite having attended several of their functions before, the crowd reacted as though they hadn't expected such a handsome young man to enter the room.

He was clad in a classic tux, suiting their theme perfectly. His delicate fingers followed the cherry wood banister, his smile large and proud. But you could tell from a mile away that it was fake.  And it was sad to think that you hadn't seen a real smile from him since your days at Hogwarts.

His eyes skimmed the room before meeting with yours. You held a stone-cold expression, fighting the urge to make a beeline for his arms. You hadn't missed the way he softened at the sight of you, his smile suddenly meeting his eyes.

The words of his parents became one big blur as they boasted about their son's achievement. It was even announced that he was offered a position as the new nurse of Hogwarts, but that piece of information went through one ear and out the other. Your senses were overwhelmed.

You couldn't stop staring at his eyes — the blue hues that once told the story of your love. It had been months since you admired them, suddenly wishing that you had taken more time to appreciate him when you could.

An instrumental melody flooded the hall, interrupting your thoughts while igniting you with memories all at once. The tune was one you had danced to years ago, having joined Draco as his plus one during the Christmas of 1996. Despite attending as "just friends," the night was sealed with a kiss beneath the snow. It was only the start of your loving relationship.

𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄-𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒Where stories live. Discover now