relentless (f.w)

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Fred does not quit when it comes to the witch in his Muggle Studies class, whose witty remarks only manage to reel him in deeper.

Warnings: Fred being a flirt

Word Count: 677

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"Please, Fred. Not now," you begged, attempting to push past him as you stood from your seat. It seemed there was no place for you to hide. If Fred Weasley was willing to search the library, he was willing to search anywhere.

"Oh, come on, now. I know you enjoy my company, " he grinned, slinging an empty book bag over his shoulder as he followed close behind. It was quite unusual, really — he was always one to scheme his way into things. This time, he hadn't even bothered to pretend he was studying.

"Shouldn't you be in Hogsmeade?" you muttered, pausing as you returned your borrowed books to their spots on the shelves. You watched as one began to float to the very top of the bookcase before Fred snatched it out from the air.

He giggled when he read its title, peering up at you through his lashes with a teasing grin. It was that same, shit-eating grin he had sent you when he heard your mixtape in Muggle Studies. It drove you mad.

"Cooking the Muggle Way?" he questioned, aimlessly flipping through the pages. "You and my dad should have a chat," he chuckled.

Truthfully, he loved that you were interested in muggles. It meant you didn't care for blood status or purity. You were sure to fit in with the Weasleys.

He looked up in hopes of teasing you more, only to find that you had already left, casually strolling down the narrow aisle. Cursing under his breath, he hurried to catch up with you.

"Say, you're quite fast for someone of your height," he teased, easily matching your pace as you stopped at another one of the many bookshelves. 

Of course he thought you were short. Even Hagrid was considered average in comparison to him.

"Well, you're quite bold for a ginger," you shrugged, biting back a smile when he barked out a laugh.

"I know you're trying to ‌intimidate me, but that was quite attractive," he smirked, giggling as he caught you roll your eyes.

"So," he sighed, causing you to stop in your tracks. He was leaning up against the wooden structure, his sleeves rolled up and the top two buttons of his shirt undone. The relentless git was rather difficult to avoid.

"What would you say to a walk by the black lake?" he smiled, his once arrogant tone now gone. He was quite charming when he wanted to be.

"How do I know this isn't another one of your pranks?" you glared. You were trying to push his buttons. Fred Weasley was a flirt at best — you simply wanted to ensure that this wasn't some sort of game he liked to play.

"Believe me, I don't want your gorgeous face devoured by the giant squid," he chuckled, but he pursed his lips when you stared back at him blankly. You were clearly unamused.

His cheeks reddened, watching with nervous eyes as you peered up at him.

"One date," he suddenly breathed, inching closer so your faces were aligned. "Give me one chance. I promise, I won't let you down."

You swallowed, eyes flitting between his own. His words were enough to have you gasping for air, leaving your knees weak and your mind in a spiral. What was he doing to you?

"You really are a stubborn ‌sod," you mumbled, turning to glance over your shoulder. The library doors were wide open, waiting for you to leave him floundering yet again. So why couldn't you?

"One date," you reasoned, causing his face to gleam.

"I'll meet you in front of the castle tomorrow morning," you sighed, sending him a meek smile. He did nothing but stare.

And with no more than an awkward wave, you left — taking a deep, unsure breath as you exited into the halls.

"There will be more than one, darling! I can assure you of that!" he cheered, dancing on the spot before he was hushed by Madam Pince. But he couldn't care less.

He was too busy planning his future with you. And it all started with the perfect first date.

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