like what you see? (f.w)

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A summer beneath the heat allows you to bask in your pent-up feelings for Fred Weasley.  But there's something holding you back.  Is it really so wrong to fall for your best friend's brother?

Warnings: A few steamy shots of Fred lol

Word Count: 1.9 k

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Blue skies filled the air, clouds nowhere in sight. The flowers sought water as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were quick to ‌replenish their soil, and the garden gnomes longed for shade as they huddled beneath a ‌leafy tree.  The blazing sun sent everybody into a heat stroke — but it was nothing like the effects of Fred Weasley.

You watched as he launched a quaffle through Ron's hoop, his muscles perfectly flexing as he did so.  His forehead was lined in sweat while his large hands gripped his broomstick — his smooth, toned abdomen perfectly glistening beneath the sun.   He had been quick to tug his shirt off when the game had first begun, leaving nothing to the imagination.  It was rather frustrating that one look from him was all he needed to send your heart rate sky high.  You couldn't help but stare — his quidditch physique was bloody perfect.

Faint laughter pulled you out from your daze as you finally turned to find the culprits.  Ginny and Hermione were giggling like mad at the sight of you.  You felt your face grow warm, and didn't doubt that you were a bright shade of pink.

"Ron's not going to be very happy," Ginny teased, sipping smugly on her glass of lemonade.

Hermione began to laugh, "Really, y/n?  His older brother?"

"What are you two on about?" You almost winced; you were an awful liar.

"Don't be daft!  You were practically drooling!" Ginny chimed, falling into another fit as your face turned beet red.  You were sure you looked sunburnt by now.

"What's so funny?" Ron ‌exclaimed, joining the three of you with his broom in hand.  The game was officially over, and the twins were sure to follow suit.

You sent daggers Ginny's way.

"Probably your rubbish plays," George mused, ruffling Ron's hair until it stood up from all ends.  You noticed Hermione's rosy cheeks — looks like she wasn't very subtle, either.

"I'll race you lot to the shower!" another voice called.

You froze on the spot, eyes darting everywhere but the beautiful man before you.  You cleared your throat, attempting to return all sense to your body.  It wasn't working.

Ron's eyebrows thread together.  He tilted his head to the side, as though asking if you were alright.  You nodded a little too quickly, prompting him to continue with his silent interrogation.

You felt his eyes burning holes into your forehead, praying to Merlin that Ginny would keep her mouth shut.

"Kids!  Dinner!" Molly called, beckoning you all in through the window.

You sucked in a breath when Fred stretched, beginning to pull his shirt back on over his head.  You felt your knees buckle.

And suddenly, you were speeding through the tall grass, ignoring the confused looks that were bound to take place behind you.

Ron scratched his head as he watched you enter the Burrow, growing even more bewildered when his sister toppled over in laughter.

"What the bloody hell is going on?"

𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄-𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒Where stories live. Discover now