capture the moment (g.w)

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Warnings: nothing but a very cheesy ending

George's Muggle Studies class has him thinking about the girl who stole his heart long ago.

Word Count: 2 k

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The sun beamed down on you all as you soaked up the last of the summer weather.  The start of a new school year meant that snow and rain would soon consume the grounds.  You were grateful to still experience warm days like this in September.  With fall just around the corner, it was considered quite the treat.

"How has everyone's first week been?" Angelina smiled, leaning against a tree beside you and Alicia.  It was nice reuniting with your classmates after a summer apart.

Although classes had only just resumed, you were all loaded with school work.  With three-foot essays in each subject, the professors were keen on preparing you for your OWLs.

Yet, as you all partook in a heated conversation about your resentment for the greasy professor Snape, George thought back to his Muggle Studies class.

He wasn't typically the type to truly think about his assignments.  He often did them last minute — if he even did them at all.  But, despite only taking the class to entertain his father, he found himself quite intrigued with the details of his latest ‌project.

"To start off the year, I have a rather exciting task for you all today," Professor Burbage chimed — her long, wavy hair bouncing on her shoulders as she placed an unfamiliar black device on each desk.  She refused to do so using magic.

George's hand shot up into the air, "What are these, professor?"

"Those, Mr. Weasley, are muggle cameras!  They allow one to capture the most beautiful moments in time."

George thought on this, turning the device in hand while inspecting it.  It looked very much like the cameras used in the wizarding world.  Only, a lot more compact.

"Your task, my lovely students, is to take this camera with you everywhere you go until you have captured what you love most in this world."

George mulled over the idea the last few days, trying to decide what exactly it was he would capture.  Many students took to photographing their pets — all having shared their adorable photos by the second day of classes.  But George didn't care much for the idea. After all, there wasn't much to love about old Scabbers.

At the sound of your laughter, his head shot up to take you in.

Your head fell back as you told a story George had heard a thousand times before — your arms flailing around as you did so.  George realized that he rather adored the sound of your laugh.  The ‌leaves of the tree protected you from the heat, but the sun still shone down on your features.  It brought out the freckles that danced across your nose, making your eyes a lighter shade than usual.

He felt as though he was having an out-of-body experience, merely watching from the sidelines as though no one would feel his stare.  He came to see that he quite loved the group before him.  Though, there was something special about you.

She is the embodiment of the sun, George thought, admiring the golden colouring of your dress.  Its floral design suit you perfectly.

He suddenly realized that he didn't want the moment to end.  And without thinking, he pulled out his camera, waited for the green light to appear, and pressed the button.

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