in the air (f.w)

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The Weasley family gathers for yet another wedding ceremony.  When love is in the air, even Fred Weasley cannot deny the way his heart sings.

Warnings: depression, playful banter, tooth-rotting fluff

Word Count: 2.1k

A/N: classic bridesmaid x groomsman trope and I adore it so much!

• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– •

Fred watched his chest rise and fall in the mirror.  According to most of the wizarding world, Fred Weasley was quite the catch.  With fiery red hair and a lean, muscular build from his quidditch days, the Weasley twins built a reputation for far more than their pranking skills.

Yet Fred stood alone before his reflection, eyes fixed on the scar above his left eyebrow.

The war left Fred a shell of the man he used to be.  He no longer sought out adventure, plagued by the memories that invaded his dreams.  Instead, he preferred the comfort of his home.  The Burrow was about the only place he visited on a regular basis, besides the Leaky Cauldron when in need of a bite to eat.

But the looming celebration left Fred much more unnerved than he should be.  Because family meant questions, and he didn't quite feel proud to say that over the past four years, all he had done was run the same old joke shop. 

Fred spent just over an hour getting ready.  His face was freshly shaven and soft to the touch.  His hair, once wild and untamed, now sat neatly upon his forehead, and the cologne he hadn't used since his Hogwarts days now covered every inch of skin peeking out from his collared shirt.

But still, no matter how perfect he may have seemed to the wandering eye, Fred Weasley stared at the unhappy reflection before him.

"You ready, Fred?" George's voice called.  "Mum says Angie's just arrived!"

George sounded much more alive than his twin.  His tone was giddy, as was the rhythmic knock pressed against Fred's bedroom door.  After all, it was George who would soon be wed to the love of his life.

"Just a minute!" Fred sighed, toying with the cuff of his sleeve.  He didn't have to see George to know he was dancing from his spot in the hallway.

Fred took a deep breath, forcing a charming smile to stretch across his lips.  He would be there for his brother, even if planning for the upcoming wedding put a pit in his stomach.

With one last look in the mirror, Fred pulled open his bedroom door, feeling a snigger bubble in his chest at the sight of George's grin.

• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– •

Fred and George quickly found a place with the rest of their siblings, having arrived through the Floo Network only moments ago.  Molly Weasley loved wedding planning.  After all, it gave her an excuse to gather her beloved gingers under one roof once more.

Fred couldn't remember a time when the Burrow felt so full. Of course, the Weasley abode was always a little squishy, but there was something special about having the whole family back home after so many years.

Fred still knew his way around.  He recognized the scorch in the wallpaper where Charlie's pet dragon left his mark, and the loose floorboard where the twins once hid their skiving sweets.  Fred didn't forget to duck as he entered the kitchen, having smacked his head across the doorway more times than he could count.

Immediately, Fred was pulled into a warm hug.  He did not squirm or cringe like he once did.  Instead, Fred returned the embrace, pressing a loving kiss to his mother's rosy cheeks.

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