little rockstar (f.w)

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In which Fred Weasley takes a liking to a certain genre of muggle music.

Warnings: Pregnant!Reader, tooth-rotting fluff

Word Count: 912

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You were not shy of the muggle world, having spent eleven years of your life living what is known as 'the simpler life.' But even after being sent off to Hogwarts where you learned that you were no longer forced to make your bed by hand, there were still many things you preferred doing the muggle way.

You let your hips sway to the music, humming along while adding a cup of milk to the mixing bowl. There was nothing like muggle music. Every word seemed laced with emotion as the rhythm coursed straight through your veins. Ranges of artists created ranges of music, forming an entire world of its own. ‌While many had all-time favourites, it didn't‌ ‌matter‌ ‌to‌ ‌you, having grown accustomed to enjoy whatever tune decided to play from the radio.

Fred had been stuck at work all day, doing what he and his twin do best. Although he loved living out his dreams, you hadn't missed the frown he wore as he sulked out the door that morning. On a rainy day like this, he would much rather sleep in for a few more hours while cuddling with you. It was times like these that you ‌relished in the benefits of maternity leave.

The tune slowly came to an end, prompting you to preheat the oven. You had been craving chocolate chip cookies all night, finally deciding to indulge in your wishes just this once. As a new song sounded on the radio, you found your body ‌moving to the beat.

It's early morning, the sun comes out

Last night was shaking and pretty loud

Fred returned home, allowing a smile to take over his lips as he stepped through the door. The shop hadn't been quite busy thanks to the weather, so he was able to slip away without protest from George. He had expected to find you asleep, maybe resting by the t.v as he usually found you at this time of the morning. But he was pleased to see you dancing around the kitchen in his boxers.

My cat is purring, it scratches my skin

So what is wrong with another sin?

"Baking without me?" Fred scolded, laughing as you jumped out of your skin. You held your chest to make sure your heart was still beating as you spun around to face him.

"You scared me!" you shrieked, hitting him over the head with a tea towel. He bit back a smile, clearly amused with the pout that you wore.

The bitch is hungry, she needs to tell

So give her inches and feed her well

"Hey, what song is this?" Fred mumbled, pressing a kiss to your temple as he, too, began to sway with the music. "I've never heard it before."

"This,‌ ‌Freddie,"‌ ‌you‌ giggled, watching‌ ‌him‌ ‌bang‌ ‌his‌ ‌head‌ ‌from‌ ‌left‌ ‌to‌ ‌right, "is‌ ‌muggle rock‌ ‌music."

You found your hands in his as he pulled you away from the stove, beginning to bounce around the living room. You noticed the way he let his eyes fall closed, completely living in the beat of the music.

Here I am

Rock you like a hurricane

He watched fondly as you sang along, allowing your hair to fly around as you yelled into the whisk you had used just moments ago. He loved that the two of you could unwind like this, no one embarrassed or shy to let loose. You were the perfect team. Even now — married with a baby on the way — he found all the more reasons to fall in love with you.

Here I am

Rock you like a hurricane

"I can't believe you've never played this for me," Fred laughed, beginning to imitate the playing of a guitar. He slid down on his knees for full effect, smiling from ear to ear when you toppled over in laughter. He could never get bored of that sound.

"I didn't know that you liked Scorpions!" you giggled, catching your breath as Fred continued to jump around like a mad man.

"Well, they are my official heroes now," he laughed, joining you as he flopped down on the sofa. He loved that you dipped into his side without complaint.

"Peeves would be offended to hear you say that," you chuckled, snuggling into his ‌arm as the song came to a close. The silence between songs allowed you to listen to the pitter-patter of the rain against the streets. It wouldn't be long before your cookies were ready.

You suddenly gasped, resting a hand on your lower stomach where a flutter was once felt. Fred immediately shot up to join you, hands at the ready as though you were going to induce‌ ‌labour right then and there.

"What's happened? Are you alright?" Fred floundered, eyes searching the flat for your delivery bag. "Do I need to call the doctor?"

You shook your head, wearing a watery smile while taking his hand and placing it with your own.

There it was again. That flutter. It felt like a tiny thump from the outside, but it was adorable nonetheless. Fred felt it too — nearly jumping out of his seat when a small foot pressed against his palm.

"What d'you know," Fred laughed, kneeling down to press kisses across your belly. "We've got ourselves a little rockstar!"

"A prankster and a rockstar? What am I gonna do with you two?" you chuckled, running your fingers through Fred's ginger hair — the hair that was sure to sprout from your little Weasley one day.

Fred giggled, leaning forward to shower your face in kisses, "We are a family of many talents, my love."

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