right by your side (g.w)

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George's love for you grows when his little Weasley makes her way into the world.

Warnings:  a little sad, takes place during the war

Word Count:  914

A/N: I am back after a month's worth of writer's block. I've missed you all so much! Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it <3

• —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– •

George woke with a startle, the cries of his newborn travelling down the hall. It had not been the plan — having your first child in the midst of a war — but George took his role as a father very seriously. His precious baby girl had been born no more than a week ago, and she had already stolen his heart.

When she took naps, you took naps, and George would sit happily between the two of you. It was quiet, peaceful — even amidst the cries that bounced off the walls. Because he had the two loves of his life at his side; what more could he wish for during a time like this?

Reaching forward, George pressed a quick kiss to your shoulder, mumbling a small "I love you" before climbing out of bed. He held his breath while slipping a shirt over his head, carefully padding out into the hallway.

A small cottage in Muggle France, that was where you stayed. It was old, in the middle of nowhere, far away from the dangers that haunt your world. It felt strange to call it home.

George never thought he'd be so far away from the Burrow. Even when he and Fred found a place above the shop, the Weasley household held a special place in his heart.

The cottage was different from the Burrow, much less lively. But with his family in a safe house, and the both of you locked away, George did not worry that the sobs of his princess would alert the wrong side.

"What's the matter, angel?" George whispered, slipping through her bedroom door. Her nursery was small and simple, yet filled with so much love. A collection of photos sit atop the shelves, along with the occasional book or stuffed animal donated by your parents. The two of you had moved out to your grandmother's old home after Bill and Fleur's wedding, having taken the time to decorate the walls that would keep your darling girl safe.

George smiled when he found her, her small face scrunched up as she wailed at the tops of her lungs. He had seen how tired you were, having been there by your side when you brought his precious girl into the world. So, with a flick of his wand, her cries were silenced from you just down the hall.

"Don't cry, my love," George cooed, using his thumb to gently unclench her tight fists. "Daddy's here."

With a sigh, he let himself rest back in his chair — a green, cushioned rocker shoved in the corner of the room. It had been a gift from Molly, something she swore by after raising seven kids. And sitting back on it now, George could see just why his mother loved it.

There was something so special about being a dad, George realized, cradling his little girl in his arms. Her small hand wrapped firm around his thumb, a pout permanently stretched across her lips. Even when in tears, she put her full trust in him.

George stared down into her big, glassy eyes, not once breaking contact as he playfully dipped down to kiss her toes. She squealed when he did so, pulling giggles from either end and tears no longer slid down her soft cheeks.

He could never get tired of her.

"Wanna go on a walk?" He coed, carefully standing from his place. Reaching up on the shelf, he found the stuffed dragon Charlie had bought her. He had apparated over the moment he found out about her birth, having stayed for tea and biscuits to visit the newest Weasley. Tucking it between her arms, the two set off on a journey to the kitchen.

George smiled when he found you, a steaming mug in your hands with a blanket thrown over your lap. The Daily Prophet rest beside you, though it remained untouched.

You and George had decided long ago that the Prophet was no longer reliable. Voldemort and his army had taken over the Ministry, and all news was fake unless heard from the Weasleys. So, the both of you waited patiently by the radio every afternoon waiting for the beloved voices of River and Rapier.

"Good morning, my love," George smiled, pressing a slow kiss to your lips. Your baby girl smiled up at you, cradled in the crook of George's arm.

They were your whole world — all of your love compiled into one. You prayed to Merlin every day that you would all remain safe.

Snuggling into George's side, you twirled a ginger curl from atop your daughter's head.

"Couldn't sleep," you mumbled, sending your daughter a tired smile, "Had to make sure you two were okay."

George pulled you closer into his side, his hand reaching for yours beneath the blanket.

It was 5:00 am according to your wristwatch, still a little early to be up from bed. Your daughter yawned, causing you to follow.

"Go to sleep, sweetheart," George mumbled, pressing a kiss to your head. "We'll be right here when you wake up."

You stared up at George for a moment, a tear dripping down your cheek. George knew what you were thinking — he always did. But he didn't want you to worry right now.

They were right by your side. And that was all that mattered.

So, you closed your eyes, cuddled with the ones that you loved for the first peaceful sleep you had in weeks.

And George sat beside you as always, his heart warm and his love for you big as he held his two precious girls.

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