Chapter 1

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-One Year Earlier-


I walk the halls with my three best friends, Calum, Ashton and Michael. The only reason we're all friends is because nobody else wants to be friends with any of us, and I guess we bonded over that. I mean, it's not like I mind anyways. I'd much rather be friends with an overly giggly boy with curly hair, a boy who likes to cuddle a little too much and a boy that doesn't realize that he needs to stop dying his hair before it all falls out over any of the other sporty douche-bags that roam this school anyways. I guess I've never really fit in with anyone else but these guys. We're a group of outcasts and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"So," Ashton says to me with a small smile, showing off his dimples that are as deep as the potholes we hit every day on the school bus. "My family is out of town for the night, I was thinking about having a party?" He suggests.

"A party?" Calum asks. "How can you throw a party? Nobody would show up." He says a little harshly. He raises an eyebrow. "Sorry, but it's true."

"All you have to have is something to get them drunk and they'll show." Michael says with a smirk.

"Oh, that kind of party." Calum says.

"No, I was thinking along the lines of having a clown and Shirley Temples." Ashton jokes, letting out a little giggle. "What do you think, Luke?" He asks, turning to me.

"I think that a Shirley Temple would be quite good if you mixed some vodka in there." I say with a half smile. "But, I can't tonight. I promised my mum that I would spend time with her tonight, she was complaining of being lonely where my dad and brothers are out visiting family that my mum and I don't like. I felt bad, so I gave in to doing something with her tonight." I say and let out a sigh of annoyance, even though I don't mind in the least. To be honest, I quite like spending time with my mum, but I know that they would give me shit about being a "Mommas Boy' if I didn't act pissed about it.

An evil smile peers on Michael's face. "Yeah guys, you know Luke can't get drunk. His mommy would be so disappointed at him."

"Fuck off, mate." I say and laugh it off. "Laugh at me all you want." I say as my mum pulls up to the school. "But who is getting a nice peaceful drive home, and who is taking the bus that goes out of it's way to hit every bump it can?" I ask smugly as I give them a little wave and get into the passengers seat of my mum's car.

"Fuck you!" Michael mouths to me, followed by a friendly smile to ensure me that he was kidding.

I stick my middle finger up at him, scrunching my nose. I put my seat belt on as my mum starts driving off. "How was school today, love?" My mum asks me with a warm smile.

I shrug. "Like any other day, I guess." I tell her, throwing my book bag in the back seat. "Ms. Fisher officially hates me." I announce.

"Why do you say that?" She asks, as her eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"She failed me on another multiple choice test." I say and sigh in defeat. "I googled the answers, I should have gotten an eighty percent, but she gave me a thirty."

"Did you ask her about it?" Mum asks.

"Yeah, she said what does it matter, because it doesn't effect my overall mark." I explain. "I wanted to tell her to take her overall mark and shove it, but I didn't. Out loud anyways." I say with a small smile.

My mum laughs at that. "Is there a reason she doesn't like you?"

I shrug. "Not one that I know of, but it doesn't really matter." I say, dropping the topic. "Where are we going anyways?" I ask.

Gone Cold. -Luke Hemmings Love Story. AU-Where stories live. Discover now