Chapter 21

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I look over at Kit with a nervous smile as the bell for the last day goes off. Her and I have been official for about three weeks now, and she still has yet to meet my dad. Which is going to happen today. My dad asked me about her, and why he hasn't met her, which almost caused a huge fight, but Karen stepped in and suggested that Kit come after school today and stay for dinner before my dad has to go to work and she has to go meet up with some family that she hasn't seen in awhile. I said I'd run it by Kit, not really thinking that she'd want to come over, but my luck, she did. She's very excited to finally meet my dad. I wish I shared her excitedness. Instead, I'm scared shitless that something is going to happen and they're going to bump heads. But on the plus side, she does get to sleep over tonight.
"You know, Kit Kat." I say as we make our way to the parking lot. "You really don't have to come over if you don't want to. There is no pressure at all."
She reaches up to grab my face and plants a kiss on my lips. "Hemmings, stop worrying so much about your dad. Parents love me, okay?"
"My dad isn't like most parents." I say.
"It's really fine. You have nothing to worry about." She assures me.
I sigh as we walk up to my car. "Yeah, you're right." I say. "Everything will be okay. I just don't want him to offend you or something."
"I'm not one easy to offend." She tells me. "And, even if he does, I'll bite my tongue. I'll make sure he likes me, for you. Plus, don't we have your house to ourselves after this dinner?" She asks, with a mischievous smile.
I give her a smile. We still haven't slept together. She doesn't know why. But, I always just dodge it. I know that if I told her, she wouldn't care, but I'm just nervous about it happening. We almost did a couple times, and it's getting harder and harder to stop myself, but I know it will happen when the time is right. "We indeed do, Kit Kat." I say. "You know what else we have?" I ask.
"What's that?" She asks with a smile.
"Netflix, and ice cream, popcorn, and every other food that will give us diabetes one day." I say and laugh. "We'll have a good night, I promise."
"I know we will." She says. "How long are we home alone for?" She asks.
"Well, my dad is going to be gone all night. Karen for most of the night. She said she won't be back until about three, she has family matters to deal with or something like that." I tell her. "So we have as much time as we want to run around the house singing karaoke, pillow fights and whatever else happens at sleepovers."
"You know," She says and laughs. "As many sleepovers as I've been to, I have never had a pillow fight."
"I'd be too scared of hitting the person too hard and sending them flying across the room." I admit.
"I've thought about that too." She says and laughs. Then she clears her throat. "Um, Hemmings?" She asks.
"Are you going to start driving soon?" She asks as we both look around, to see that we are the only car left in the parking lot.
"Right, it slipped my mind." I say and let out a nervous chuckle. I pull out of the driveway and start making my way to my house. "How are you so calm?" I ask as we pull up to my street.
"Because, Hemmings, you're the only one that is freaking out right now." She says. "You need to not worry so much, babe."
"Yeah." I say with a sigh before we pull up to my house. I back into the drive way as I look over at Kit and smile. "Here goes nothing, I guess."
We both get out of the car as she walks up to me and puts her arm around me. "Just calm down. You don't want him to think there is a reason that you're so nervous."
"I know." I say and take a deep breath before going into my house. Karen greets us at the door with a welcoming smile.
"Nice to see you again, Kit!" She says.
"It's good to see you again, too!"
"Where is my dad?" I ask, cutting in the middle of their conversation. Part of me was hoping that he'd forgotten and went into work early.
"Your dad went to go get a pizza." Karen says. "We put the chicken in the oven, but found out about an hour later that we didn't turn the oven on." She laughs. "It's too late in the day to just cook it now. So, we're having pizza tonight, and chicken for lunch tomorrow."
Even I can't help but smile at that. "How do you manage to forget to turn the oven on? I'm as clueless in the kitchen as they get and even I haven't done that."
"We got distracted." She says as Kit bursts out laughing.
My face drops. "Gross." I say under my breath as Karen and Kit start walking out into the kitchen. Kit and Karen are like best friends, it's actually kind of nice. When dad isn't home, I bring Kit over all of the time. I love seeing her and Karen getting along so well. It makes me think of what kind of relationship my mom and Kit would have had. Karen is a lot like my mom, so I assume that it would be pretty similar. "You couldn't have at least said you were too busy washing the dishes or something?" I ask with a small laugh.
"Luke get your mind out of the gutter." She said. "At your age you should think that I meant dishes, even if I didn't."
"Oh really?" I ask. "When you were eighteen, you never thought about sex at all?" As soon as I ask that, I instantly regret it. I really don't want to know the answer. "You know what, on second thought- I'm good. Don't answer that."
"I wasn't going to." She says and laughs as she walks over and pinches my cheeks, like old people do a baby.
"What was that for?" I ask and put my hand on my cheek after she's done pinching it.
"You looked precious over there, looking all disgusted at me." She says, laughing at me.
"You do look pretty precious." Kit says as she walks up and extends her arm up to pinch my cheek.
"You're too sweet." I say sarcastically as I lightly pinch her cheek back.
Could you make yourself shorter for a second?" She asks as she looks up at me.
I give her a small chuckle and lean down, so I'm only a few inches above her. She leans in and kisses my cheek that she pinched multiple times. She pecks my lips once before going back to giving my cheek all the attention. She moves her hand to my neck, causing me to snort. Shit. "Is Mr. Tough Guy Hemmings ticklish?" She asks in awe.
"No." I say trying to tame the smile on my face by sticking my lips out. "Mr. Tough Guy Hemmings is not."
"Are you sure?" She asks as she sticks her arm out, causing me to jump. I'm really not making this easy on me. "Cause I think you are." She says as she gets close to me and manages to run her finger down my neck, I snort again as I flail my arms.
"Stop it!" I beg, trying not to laugh.
"I don't want to." She says, deviously. "I wonder where else you're ticklish, Hemmings.." She says. "How about... here!" She says as she starts wiggling her fingers under my arms. I let out a really girly laugh, as my face goes red. "Uh huh.." She says amused. "How about.." She says as she moves her fingers down to my waste, she starts moving her fingers as my reflexes cause me to fall on the floor. "This is priceless." She says as she keeps on tickling me in random places.
"Stop.. Itttt!" I scream in between laughs.
"What the hell is going on out here?" My dad asks with a very amused smile on his face as he walks into the kitchen with three pizza boxes.
Kit gets up from on top of me, but I just lay there for a minute, recovering from nearly having the piss tickled out of me. "Luke is ticklish." She says simply, with a small giggle at the end of that. "I'm Kit!" She says and extends out a hand to shake my dads.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Kit!" My dad says and shakes her hand. "I'm Andy. And what got the best reaction out of him. I want to know if you got his biggest place."
"Dad don't!" I say with a small laugh, still laying on the floor.
"Hips made him fall down." Kit says proudly.
"You should see what happens when someone tickles his lower back, right above his bum." My dad says and gives her a wink.
"Lucasssss.." She says in a baby voice.
"What the hell?" I ask and laugh. "That's not my name."
"It is now." She says and kneels down next to me. "Want to do me a favour and roll over onto your stomach?" She asks.
"Um, no." I say, mocking her tone. "I'm not stupid, Kit Kat."
"Then we're going to have to do this the hard way." She says with a dramatic sigh. "Here we go." She says before she starts tickling my hips again. I try to stay still, but I end up flipping over from flailing my arms around so much. I hear laughs coming from my dad and Karen as Kit sits on my ass before I get a chance to flip back over.
"Let.. Me.. Go!" I say in between breaths.
"No thank you!" she says as she moves her hands from my hips to my lower back, tickling exactly where my dad told her to. I start laughing so hard that the laughs are now coming out silent, all you hear is my deep breaths in between.
"Stop.... It.. Hurts." I say, barely audible because I'm so out of breath.
"No." She says as she starts moving her fingers right around more, causing my legs to start kicking and my arms to start moving. I look like a three year old having a fit because he couldn't get the cereal he wanted.
"He's crying!" Karen says, she sounds like she's laughing as hard as I am.
"Okay," Kit says with a pause. "I'm done now. But, only because my arms are tired." She says as she stands up. I still lay on the floor. I don't think I have the strength to get up yet. "Thanks for the pointer, Andy!" Kit says as she high-fives my dad.
I wipe the tears off of my face, that fell because I was laughing so hard and take all the strength I have to stand up and go join every body else at the table. I sit beside Kit and across from my dad. "Thanks for having my back there, dad!" I say sarcastically.
"Your girlfriend needs to know how to embarrass you, son." He says and laughs. "That's just the way it is."
"I did not agree to that!" I say and laugh as I grab a couple slices of pizza our of the box.
"The moment she became your girlfriend, you agreed to that." My dad says and takes a bite out of his pizza. "That's just the way it works. Right, Karen?" He asks.
"You're exactly right." Karen says. "You should see when I 'accidently' get behind his leg in the grocery store." She says, using finger quotations around the word 'accidently'.
"There is a fine line between tripping me and embarrassing me." Dad argues.
"Are you embarrassed when you trip?" Karen asks.
"Well yeah but-"
"Then no there isn't." Karen says, cutting him off.
"Now, that's just unfair!" My dad says and laughs.
"Yeah, and so is telling my girlfriend my darkest deepest secret." I say and laugh while rolling my eyes.
"I did not tell her about the time you pissed your pants at the amusement park." Dad says and laughs. "When you were thirteen."
Kit almost chokes on her drink when she hears that. "You didn't!" She says, trying not to laugh. I can feel my face turning red.
"I did." I say, ashamed. "The line for the ride I wanted to go on was so long, I noticed that I had to pee when I was half way to the ride. You don't just leave a line to pee when you'r half way there! It'd take another hour to get back to that spot if I was lucky."
"So you just pissed yourself in line? Did they still let you on the ride?"
"No, I didn't piss myself in line. I'm not that weak." I say and laugh. "I was in line for another hour before I got on the ride. The ride was really bumpy." I say and look down at the table.
"You pissed yourself on the ride?" She asks, still laughing at me.
"A little bit." I admit, taking a small bite off the pizza crust.
"I don't understand." Kit says after taking a drink. "You either pissed yourself or you didn't."
"Oh, I did." I say and laugh at the memory. "But only a little bit on the ride." I explain. "I ran off the ride when it was done, looking around for a bathroom. I made it about three feet away from the ride before I noticed the puddle in my shoe."
"That may just be the saddest thing you've ever told me." Kit says.
"I can one up it." Dad says before walking out to the living room for a minute, then walking back in with a picture, he sits back down as he reaches over and passes Kit a picture. "That was our Christmas card that year." I laugh. I know exactly what picture that is. My brothers along with everyone else were laughing at me because I pissed myself, so my mom and dad thought it was perfect timing for a family picture. They even got a stranger to take it so they could be in it too.
"Were you crying, Hemmings?" Kit asks, in between laughs.
"I was embarrassed!" I say defencivly. Everyone at the whole god damn place was laughing at me."
"I felt a little bad when he was still crying on the way home." Dad admits. "Not bad enough to stop laughing. But a little bit."
"I'm so glad." I say sarcastically.
"Shit." My dad says as he looks down at his phone. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Kit, It was really good meeting you!"
"Likewise!" She says before he shakes her hand again.
My dad rushes out the door as he shoves a slice of pizza in his mouth. Kit smiles over at me when we hear the door close behind my dad. "How do you think that went?" She asks, a little nervously.
"He really likes you!" I assure her.
"He must, he didn't even pull out the fact that Luke pissed his pants for me." Karen says and laughs. "I would have used that against him long ago."
"This picture is priceless." Kit says before taking a picture of it on her phone.
"Do you mind sending me a copy of that?" Karen asks Kit.
"No problem at all." Kit says before sending the picture to her.
"Thank you." Karen says as she gets up from the table. "I have to go now, and all jokes aside, I don't care if it's awkward, your dad and I flipped a coin on who gets to have this conversation with you, and I lost. You and Kit are going to have the house all to yourself tonight. Your dad and I have to assume that things are going to happen. Just be careful, okay? we left money for you on the coffee table to get condoms or whatever you'd need."
"We really don't need condoms." I say, a little embarrassed, and feeling put on the spot. Kit doesn't know that I'm trying to avoid sleeping with her. It gets hard because I know that she really wants to, but I need to stand my ground.
"Luke, it would make me feel so much better if you went out and bought the condoms anyways." Karen says. "Just so I have some peace in mind."
"I'm not buying condoms!" I say. "That's so awkward."
"Yeah, so is pregnancy." She says.
"But Kit isn't getting pregnant!" I say.
"Please just get the damn condoms." Karen says. "You dad told me to make sure you get them."
I sigh. "Come on, Kit. We're going for a drive, I guess." I say and grab my car keys. She follows me out the door with a smirk on her face. "I suppose you're amused?" I ask as we're sitting in my car. I don't bother giving my car the time to heat up, I just pull out of my drive way.
"A little!" She says and laughs. "At the very mention of condoms your face went red for the fifteenth time tonight."
"Yeah, sorry they're so embarrassing." I say as we pull up to a red light.
"You're the only one that was embarrassed, Luke." She says and laughs.
"I was the only one being tickled to death and having stories about me pissing myself shared." I say, giving her a small laugh.
"Why is buying condoms so awkward?" Kit asks.
"Because, I'm going to walk in there with you, and they're going to know exactly what's going down." I sigh.
"Well, yeah. But, it happens." She says with a shrug.
"I wish I was as easy going about this shit as you are." I say with a sigh as we pull up to the grocery store. Without saying anything, we head out of my car and straight inside. We quickly find where the condoms are. I look around as I let out a small chuckle.
"What's so funny?" Kit asks with a half smile.
"The condoms and the baby shit are in the same isle." I say. "I don't know, I think it's ironic. Like, look what you should have used, you know?"
"It could work either way." She says with a giggle. "It could also mean, look what you're buying next if you don't get these." She says.
"True." I say as I turn back over to look at the condoms. "Why aren't they all the same?" I ask.
"What do you mean?" Kit asks.
"There's lubricated, non-lubricated, flavoured, extra thin, hot and cold whatever that means, there is bumpy ones, there are coloured ones.. Ohh cool! There is glow in the dark ones!" I say and pick up that box. "I've always wanted to play with a lightsaber!"
"Luke, we're not getting the glow in the dark ones." Kit says, very unamused.
"What, why not?!" I ask.
"How old are you, Jesus Christ." She says. "Plus, think of all the chemicals in them that make them glow in the dark."
"So what?!" I ask. "They're glow in the dark! It's so worth whatever the chemicals would give you."
"Luke, put them back, we're not getting those ones." She says sternly.
"I don't care what you think. I'm getting the glow in the dark ones." I say and toss them in the basket. "Choose out another one, if you're so against those ones." I say. Even saying those words make me sick to my stomach, because her knowing about all of my scars on my legs make me nervous, but it needs to seem like I'm up for it.
"Let's get flavoured." She says and picks up a tropical pack.
"What the fuck is the point of flavoured?" I ask.
"I don't know, it just sounds nice." She says.
"So you're okay with those chemicals, but not the glow in the dark chemicals?" I ask. "That's what you're saying?"
"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying." She says with a half smile. "Now lets pay and get back to your house so Karen can leave."
"Can you pay?" I ask.
"No. You're paying." She says.
"But you're not embarrassed about this shit.." I complain.
"Exactly. And you are. It's amusing for me to watch."
I sigh as I make my way to the check out. The line was short and the cashier was some teenage boy. "Is this all you need?" He asks.
"What?" I ask. "Oh, sorry. Yeah. That's it." I say.
"That comes to twenty five dollars and fifty five cents." He says. I hand him the money. "Thank you, you guys have a good night." He says.
I just grab my bag embarrassed and walk out of the store. "I knew the cashier would make a comment!" I say.
"He didn't mean it like that!" Kit says laughing at me as we go back to my car. "It's part of his job to tell us to have a good rest of the day." She says as she does her seat belt up.
"Whatever you say." I say with a sigh as we start making my way back to my house. The drive back is much shorter than the drive there. Before too long, we're back in my driveway. I park my car and walk in the house, holding the bag up for Karen to see. "Did you know they have glow in the dark ones?" I ask as Kit rolls her eyes at me.
"Guess which ones he got?" Kit asks with a dull voice.
"Guess who has a stick up her ass and almost wouldn't let me get the coolest condoms ever!" I say, mocking her tone.
Karen just laughs. "You guys are too cute." She says with a smile. "But, I have to go, I'll be late if I don't leave.. Like yesterday."
"See you tomorrow!" I say and wave to her as she rushes out the door. "Want to watch a movie?" I offer as Karen closes the door behind her.
"Can it be up in your room?" She asks. "It's so much more comfortable up there." She explains.
"Um, sure. I guess." I say awkwardly as we make our way up to my room. I set the bag of condoms on my desk as I look over at Kit who is standing by my door that she closed. Confused, I walk over to her. She ends up standing in front of me as she pushes me up against the wall, smashing her lips onto mine. It took me by surprise because of how innocent she looked while standing there, but I go with it. I turn things around so it's her pressed up against the wall, I lift her up so she's at my height. Like she always does, she puts her hand on top of mine as she puts my hand up her shirt. She slowly moves my hand up, but quicker than usual at the same time. She places my hand under her bra this time. She hasn't done that before. Not really sure of what to do, I just keep my hand there, still. I have never had a girl put my hand in their bra before.
Keeping my hands there, she wraps her arms around me, pulling my shirt over my head, that was the only thing that broke the kiss, but we soon went back to it, long enough to realize that she needed to have her shirt off too, so we break the kiss again so I can take her shirt off. I move the kiss from her mouth, to her cheek and slowly down her neck as she reaches for the button on my jeans. That is when I snap out of what I'm doing. I set her down and jump up, re-buttoning my jeans.
"What this time?" Kit complains. "Nobody is going to see us. Nobody can catch us. It's just us here. What could possibly be the issue?!"
"You wouldn't understand." I say.
"I know that it's not that you don't want to!" She says. "Every time you pull away, you have a massive chub. What is it?" She asks.
"I-" I manage to get out. "I don't want you to see what I have under my pants."
"Hemmings, I'm looking straight at it, you have nothing to be embarrassed about." She says.
"Not that." I say and sit down on my bed, putting a pillow over my crotch.
"Than what is it?" She asks. "I don't want you to be embarrassed about anything. It's me. Remember? You and me against the world. I can guarantee you that nothing is so bad that even I can't know."
I let out a long sigh. "Fine. I'll tell you." I say. "But just let me talk, and don't interrupt. If you think I'm stupid afterwards, I'll just drive you home." I tell her. "Shortly after my mom died and I cut all of my friends out, I found myself in more and more pain, pain that I didn't know how to cope with. Pain that I longed to get rid of." I start with. "I didn't know what to do. I tried nearly everything, but I still had this pain in me that I couldn't get out. One night, I was sitting in just my underwear and having a smoke out my window like I always do, and then dropped the smoke." I say as I feel a tear form in my eye. I quickly wipe it away before she notices. "I dropped the smoke on my leg, and it obviously burnt me. My first reaction was to pick it up, but when I did, impulse kicked in and I pressed the burning end onto my leg until it was out." I say all in one breath. "I made a habit out of it. One time turned into two, which soon turned into six, which helped me become so numb. It got to the point where I'd only do it when I feel any emotion. Happiness- sadness, anger. Anything." I say.
Kit comes and sits beside me on my bed. "That is nothing to be embarrassed about." She says to me. "Can I see them?"
"I don't know.." I say and look down.
"You don't have to worry about anything." She assures me.
I sigh. "Okay." I say before standing up and unbuttoning my pants. I let out a nervous sigh before pulling my pants down, showing her my thigh full of circular scars.
"Luke." She says before running her fingers across all of them. "I can't believe that this is what kept you from sleeping with me. You should have just told me."
"You're not disgusted?" I ask.
"Of course not." She says before placing a kiss on top of them. "They're all a part of you. So, I love them. I love you. I do love you, you know that, right?" She asks before I sit back down beside her.
"I love you." I say back to her. That was the first time we told each other that. "I really do. I didn't think I could, but I do."
She smiles at me before sitting up on my lap and starts kissing me again. The kiss soon heats up as I pick her up so we can get out of my bed long enough to grab the box of condoms she chose out. We make our way to by bed again as I unbutton her jeans before throwing them across my room. I fall back on my bed, and she sits over me, not breaking the kiss, and this time, I don't either.

Gone Cold. -Luke Hemmings Love Story. AU-Where stories live. Discover now