Chapter 3

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    I sprint out of my chair as the final bell of the day goes off. I'm not really in a rush to get home per say, but I am in a rush to get out of this school. Luke ended up being in all of my other classes. He kept on looking over at me, rolling his eyes, giving me a dirty look, or even just looking. I'd love to know what the hell his problem is, because it's really getting on my nerves. I make my way down the hallway, hoping not to get lost on my way to my car, as I hear someone running up to me. Assuming it was Ashton, Calum or Michael, I turn and give them a smile, just to see that it was Luke standing in front of me. My smile drops as I roll my eyes. "What do you want?" I ask.
"How much did those imbusuls tell you?" He asks, ignoring the look on my face.
"What the hell do you mean?" I ask, as I start walking a little faster, hoping I'd loose him.
But, he keeps up with my fast paste and continues to walk along beside me. "Don't play stupid." He says. "You know damn well what the hell I'm talking about. What did Ash, Mike and Cal tell you?"
"About what?" I ask. "About you?" He nods. "I don't know, you're not really a topic they enjoy being brought up. Basically that you used to be a good person, but you completely lost your shit when your-"
"Don't talk about her." He says, almost in a warning tone. "It's nobodies place to say when or if I lost my shit. They're just pissed because they don't get to hang out with my anymore. They're mad cause I ditched their asses."
"I'm sure." I say and scoff. "You're not as high and mighty as you think, you know. You may have a big group of friends but-"
"They're not my friends." He cuts me off with. "They're just people that I don't mind being seen around with."
"Then why are you being seen with me?" I ask.
"You're the new kid, nobody sees you." He says, his harsh words hurting a little. I know he's right but, it's still not nice to hear. "You're looking at me like being invisible is a bad thing."
"Not everyone want's to hide from the world, Luke." I say as we make our way out to the parking lot. "Is that why you're talking to me? Do you want a friend that will share their invisibility with you?"
"I don't want to be your friend." He says.
"Thanks." I say in a small voice as I look down.
"Don't take it personally." He says. "I don't want to be anyone's friend."
"That sounds like a terrible life, Hemmings." I say as I walk up to my car. "You can't hide forever, you know."
"You don't know me." He says as I unlock my car door. "Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do?"
"It's just not humanly possible." I tell him. "Under everything, you're still human." I tell him before I get in my car and start driving home.
I can't get over how ignorant, rude and unnecessarily unpleasant this boy is. But even with all of that, I can't help but feel bad for him. I can't help but want to be in his world. I have a feeling that it's not quite as scary when you get past the thick layers that he covers himself with.
I pull into my driveway before parking my car and going in the house. As per usual, I'm home alone. My mom and dad are both at work. They work a lot. But, I really don't mind it. I've grown quite fond of my alone time.My dad as always is going to be gone all night, and my mom is as well tonight. She texted me when I was at school, telling me she's taking a double shift tonight at the hospital and that she left me money on the table. I walk up and pocket the money, deciding that now is as good a time as ever to take a drive around the new neighborhood.
Sooner than I got in, I rush back out into my car, once again. I could live in my car I'm in it so much. I like the idea of traveling the world, while still being at home. That being said, I don't necessarily like the idea of living out of my car. But, a mobile home sounds nice. I soon decide that having not eaten much today, that some pizza sounded amazing. Being a last minute decision because I just saw the pizza shop as I was driving past it, I do a U turn and drive into the parking lot.
I walk into the restaurant, instantly patting myself on the back at this decision. It smells amazing in here. "Kit!" I hear a familiar voice yell. I look over to see Ashton and the boys sitting there, waving me over. "Come sit!" He yells out again.
I can't help but laugh at him. He's so friendly that no matter where he is, he'll make a scene to make sure that I know he's there. I walk over and take the empty seat beside Michael in their booth. "Stalking me?" I ask them with a small laugh.
"Yeah, I installed a tracker on your phone when you looked away at lunch." Calum tells me and laughs.
"I thought I herd something beeping." I say.
"What are you doing here all alone?" Ashton says with a smile.
"My parents are at work." I explain. "I decided to take a drive and drove past here. You don't just not go into a pizza place."
"We already ordered, do you like Hawiian?" Michael asks.
"Hawiian pizza is the best pizza, end of story." I say.
"I like you." Michael says with a small giggle. "You fit in perfectly. Good catch on this one, Ashton."
I laugh. "How could I say no to a boy jumping up and down in his chair, trying to get my attention?"
"You did that again?" Calum asks. Ashton just shrugs. "You're going to end up scaring someone away."
"It's my personality test." Ashton says. "If they respond, they're probably someone I'd like to hang out with."
"I saw you walking around with Hemmings today." Calum says, with an expressionless face.
"It was nothing." I assure him. "He walked up to me and asked me how much I was told about him. I told him not too much, and he got piaaed when I was about to say something about his mom." I explain. "He's very full of himself." I add.
"Whatever you do, just don't let you become his next victim of the old fashoned F and C." Michael says as the waitress brings the pizza over to us. We all thank her before grabbing a slice.
"F and C?" I ask, knitting my eyebrows together in confusion. "What the hell does that mean?" I ask with my mouth full of pizza.
"Fuck and chuck." He explains as my eyes widen. "Yeah, he's that guy."
"Of course he is." I say with a smirk. "Is there anything about him that isn't douchey?" I ask.
"We don't know the kid anymore." Calum says. "We really wouldn't know. Why do you care so much anyways?"
"I don't." I say and shake that off. "But his mom died, it obviously fucked him up. I can't help but feel bad for the kid."
"He doesn't want you to." Ashton says. "He kicked us out for being around him. Then he was quiet for the first couple of days at school. He still sat with us, but it was awkward because he told us off and didn't talk to us after. But, he ended up having a mental breakdown in the middle of class, and since that, he's just been a dickhead."
"What do you mean by mental break down?" I ask.
"Someone struck a nerve." Calum explains. "Someone asked why he has been so quiet lately, then another kid said because his 'mummy was gone'." He says, using finger quotes around those three words. "Luke lost it, he started yelling at the kid, and eventually ended up punching him in the face- it was awesome." He says as Ashton shoots him a dirty look. "And sad. I was talking about the punch."
"Sounds to me like the kid deserved it." I say. "Did you all see it?" I ask.
"I didn't." Michael says. "I was the only one not in that class. I wish I were there though. Even if he was being a dick, I would have taken care of that asshole for Luke. He was my friend back then."
"What about now? You wouldn't defend him anymore?"
"Hell no." Michael says. "He can fight for himself. He's made that clear. Why would I help someone who would just spit in my face afterwards?"
I just shrug as I find a casual way to change the conversation. And after carrying that on for awhile, we deside that we really should get going. Ashton tells me that he's having a party tomorrow night, and that I need to go. I agreed. I love a good party. Just as I was about to tip in for the pizza, Michael pushed my hand away. Insisting that they had it. I protested for a minute, but ended up giving in. But, not without insisting that it's my treat next time. They just laughed at me.
As I make my way out to my car, I see that it's only six in the evening. I don't want to go home yet. I decide to drive to my school, so I can walk around the huge outside of it, because it wouldn't hurt to have that much memorized. Maybe there is another, less crowded parking lot or something that I can park in without having to drive around for fifteen minutes to find a spot in. I park my car in the same place I did this morning and start venturing around the school yard.
First I go into the basketball court. It's alright. I've never really had much interest in basketball. Or any sport really. I walk around some more to see that there is a field that isn't very maintained. I can't help but find a strange beauty in it though. It would be really nice at night, with the start shining above. I want to explore it, but I decide against it. Though I think it's nice, I also think it would be creepy to explore alone.
I turn in the opposite direction to see that there is also baseball field, which is taken much better care of. I decide that I'll go through a walk around there. As I get closer, I see that there is bleachers, and someone sitting on the middle spot in the back row. It doesn't take my long to figure out who it is sitting there. I consider turning around and going the opposite direction so I won't have to talk, but I side against it. As a matter of a fact, I decide so much against it that I climb the bleachers and sit my ass down beside him. He has a cigarette between his fingers. He looks over at me confused. "What the hell are you doing here?" He says. "I said I don't want to be your friend."
"And who said I wanted to be your friend?" I ask.
He takes a big puff of his smoke, blowing it out in my direction. "You're just this nice to every stranger that wants nothing to do with you?"
"I wasn't being nice. I sat beside you, Jesus Christ." I say. "Why are you still here?" I ask. "Don't you have much better things to do then to waste your time here? What about your friends that aren't actually your friends?"
I see for the first time since I've seen him a small smile appear on his lips, a dimple appearing on his cheek. He bites his lip ring, making the smile quickly go away. "Why would I hang out with them?" He asks, before taking one last puff off of his smoke, before pintching the end of it and throwing it to the grass.
"Maybe because they'd invite you somewhere or something?" I ask. "And doesn't that burn?"
"They do invite me places. All the time." He says. "I just don't go. And doesn't what burn?" He asks, getting a little annoyed.
"Pinching the cigarette out like that. Doesn't it burn your fingers?"
"It did a little at first." He says and shrugs. "You get used to the pain. I barely feel it anymore."
"That sounds like it goes deeper than burning your finger tips on a cigarette, Hemmings." I say and give him a small smile.
"Why do you call me Hemmings? It's weird." He states.
"I don't know, I guess I like the sound of your last name. It has a ring to it, don't you think?" I ask.
"It's just my last name." He says, I can tell I'm getting on his nerves, but I'm having a little bit of fun doing so. "I haven't given it so much thought."
"Well, I think it's a nice last name." I say. "Better than mine. Mine's just Linkin. How boring is that?"
He shrugs. "It's just a fucking name."
"And it's a terrible fucking name." I say matching his tone. He just rolls his eyes. "If I didn't know any better, I'd almost think that you don't mind having me around right now." He doesn't say anything. He just gives me a sigh. "Why don't you like your friends?"
"Is that any of your business?" He asks.
"No, but I'm nosy."
"I don't like them cause they're douche bags." He says. I just laugh. "What?" He asks giving me a little bit of a dirty look.
"Aren't you a douche bag too?" I ask. "I mean, from what I hear, you're no better than the rest of them. You must like them a little if you're like them."
"Who says I like myself?" He asks.
"Well you must. You're pretty full of yourself, in case you haven't noticed, Hemmings."
"Stop calling me that." He says.
"But, I don't want to." I say.
"And I don't want to be having this conversation right now, but look where I am." He says with a sigh. I laugh at him. "Stop doing that too." He says, quickly. "Laughing at me. I don't like it."
"Scared it may be contagious?" I ask. "Yeah, that's defiantly it. A smile would crack your beautiful cheeks, wouldn't it?" I ask and pinch his cheeks.
"Don't touch me." He says, moving away from me a little bit, but soon moving back over beside me. I can't help but smile. I know he's not hating me as much as he's putting on. Or maybe he's just going to try to 'F and C' me as Michael would say. Either way, I can't help but kind of obsess over him. I want to know what he's like. The real him.

Gone Cold. -Luke Hemmings Love Story. AU-Where stories live. Discover now