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"Lance there's a wall to your left, reach your hand out and touch it."

"What?! Why would I do that? It'll shock me."

"Trust me, that wall isn't lit up with electricity. Lean against it to catch your breath, this maze is way longer than the others and it's got way more obstacles." Pidge said, scanning the screen, her eyes landing on a weight-activated tile, which would result in falling into a pit. There were a few of those hidden throughout the maze, each having different consequences. Eight out of the ten pressure plates have already been activated by Lance and it was clear that the boy was exhausted. So Pidge may or may not have shut off the power in that one wall, to allow him to catch his breath.

Pidge looked up at Lance who was pushing himself off the wall and getting ready to continue. "Careful," Pidge inquired. "The tile in front of you will drop out from underneath you if you step on it."

"Sounds great." Lance huffed backing up and taking a leap of faith to soar over the pit. Pidge laughed as he gained too much air, flying straight into a wall.

"Careful Sharpshooter, you'll end up getting more damage if you keep on overdoing things."

"I can't help it," Lance said with a laugh. "I'm an overachiever."

Pidge smirked, shaking her head. She said "You'll wanna turn left, to the right there are a few more spiked walls, don't want you to lose your head, now do we?

Lance shook his head before turning sharply to his left and running down the path.

"Always in a hurry." Pidge huffed, turning around at the sound of Shiro's footsteps.

"Death by training exercise, that's a new one," Pidge said with a snort.

"I heard that!" Pidge turned around making a face at Lance, even though he couldn't see her, but thankfully, he had slowed down and was no longer running headlong at a hidden mine that would have electrocuted him.

"Lance, you'll need to put your entire body against the floor and army crawl through the next area. It'll be hard because there's a wall above you, it's a tunnel, and there's um a few hidden mines in the tunnel."

"What? I thought this was the easier way." Lance said, dropping down onto his stomach.

"Go to your right side first, there's a mine directly to your left." Pidge watched as Lance complied with her orders. "Alright, now you'll have to go at an angle towards the right side, so you won't hit either of the mines. You don't have a lot of space to maneuver soooo good luck."

"Thank you soooo much," Lance said in response, clearly irritated yet he wasn't mad. "How much longer until I'm out of here?"

" You're almost there," Pidge said with a smirk. "I'm guessing about another 4 hours and you'll be out of there."

"What?!" Lance exclaimed and Pidge burst out laughing as he set off an explosion.

"I'm kidding!" She said, trying to catch her breath, glancing at Shiro. He was shaking his head, but there was a slight smile ghosting across his face. "You'll be out once you're done with the tunnel. Speaking of that, the exit is direct to your right.

Lance huffed a few curses as he pushed his way out of the maze. Making a beeline for the tech room, Pidge and Shiro were lounging in. Pidge leaned back in her chair. "He wants to kill me." She said with nonchalance.

Shiro put a hand on her shoulder. "And you brought that onto yourself." He nodded at Lance before excusing himself from the room.

Lance waited for the door to close before spinning the chair around and glowering at Pidge. Pidge looked up at him as he towered over her. She smirked and crossed her arms. Wrinkling her nose. "You need a bath." She said ducking underneath his arms and making a beeline for the door.

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