June 13th | pt.4

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"Okay mister 'Boosfer! Boosfer! Take him up stairs!' You were worried too" Boosfer replied proving literally nothing.

"I wasn't denying that I was concerned. You were." Bubbo stated making Boosfer scoff at the fact he has nothing to use against Bubbo in this.

"Okay guys it's not that important just shut up now" Kier said getting irritated by them shouting but not shouting at the same time.

"Okay?" Boosfer questioned which made the rest kinda chuckle because he sounded so confused. "What?!" He yelled, Yello nearly started dying of laughter.

"You- ah ha- ah- you-" Yello says out of breath from laughing. "You- you sounded so confused, it was so funny for some reason" He explained after catching his breath.

Boosfer just kind of gave Yello a 'I'm mad but I can see how that's funny' look. Boosfer turned to Kier, "So what are you going to get Dev?" Boosfer asked realising they never helped him think of something.

"I- I still don't know..." Kier stated kind of in a whisper realising he probably won't have anything for Dev when he gets back.

The others notice Kier is genuinely really distraught by this, Yello stands up and walks over to Kier to give him a hug, "Kier, it's okay..." Yello says quietly, "He won't mind... He cares about you, he's not gonna care that much about a stupid present to get mad at you." Yello continues while comforting Kier.

"Then again this is Dev!" Boosfer blurted out, and it was silence, just bubbo staring at Boosfer as if he murdered someone Bubbo loved. "WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME LIKE THAT?" Boosfer yelled, laughing. "You aren't helping." Yello said coldly, not meaning to sound rude.

"Oh- Right... Sorry" Boosfer apologised, finally realising what he said. "He won't actually mind, if he did seem mad he would be joking..." Silence, they were waiting for what he'd say next. "Unless like you committed a crime and he had just found out, but I hope that hasn't happened, well actually if that happened your biggest problem wouldn't be a present for him..." Boosfer explained, basically speaking to himself.

"So yea! You should be good!" Boosfer stated, clearly proud of himself. "Okay, just ignore Boosfer" Bubbo said to Kier, "You'll be fine, just say 'sorry dev I forgot to get you a gift and didn't know what to get you' and he'll understand." Bubbo explained.

"Thanks guys, not Boosfer though." Kier joked, "WHAT THE HELL?!" Boosfer shouted, annoyed. "I TRIED!" Boosfer yells not genuinely mad but trying to distract Kier from being upset with himself.

"What time is it anyway?" Kier asked, Bubbo responded almost immediately, "14:58" It took them an hour and 26 minutes just to get to the house, and all the stores that had stuff Dev might want were further away. "I'll never be able to get him something!" Kier exclaimed distressed, Yello nearly fell over as Kier had a tendency to pretend to fall when upset or fake upset at or by something.


504 words


Sorry this took so long to come out and it's definitely not too good lmao

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