Just Hanging Out

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At 3am when Kier couldn't sleep, he suggested getting ice cream which turned into a week of the group going to places to have fun :]

There could be some problems in the future as someone introduces themselves to the group

[There are some made up characters in this]

[Nobodys POV]

It's 03:48 on the 18th of June, the days before consisted of Kier trying to find a way to make it up to Dev for not getting him a gift, although Dev had honestly forgotten about it, it didn't matter to Dev in the slightest. The server was asleep apart from Kier and Dev, they were in bed but talking about random stuff.

Dev started to get tired a bit ago now but he didn't want Kier to be awake alone, at this point he knew how Kier was, "Kier..." He says before yawning, "When are you going to sleep..." Dev whines getting impatient and just wanting to sleep.

"You should sleep if you're tired Dev" Kier suggests, "Well no shit." Dev responds, "But I wanna fall asleep with you" Dev explains, "I know you do too because you always want to" Dev states. "I do not want to sleep with you." Kier laughs, "Are you sure about that?" Dev teases, "Positive." Kier answers.

Dev flops back onto the bed staring at the back of Kiers head, looking at his phone, "You know Dev," "Hm?" Dev responds telling Kier he's listening, "Do you think the others would like to go get ice cream?" Kier continued, "I don't see why not?" Dev responded.

There was a pause of Kier seeming to be distracted, "Well, you don't like ice cream and I don't remember the others opinions on it" Kier says speaking his thoughts out loud without thinking, "Well I guess we'll find out huh" Dev laughed.

There was another few minutes of silence, "Come fucking lie down Kier" Dev demanded, Kier reluctantly lay down next to Dev facing him, "Why did we even decide to have one king sized bed" Kier asks laughing at how close the two were, "Because you haven't liked being alone since we moved in together" Dev answers rolling his eyes that he has to accompany Kier basically 24/7 whenever possible.

Kier put his arm around Devs mid torso pulling him into a hug, Dev was a little surprised but didn't object, Kier gave some of the best hugs, "Kier don't even think of it." Dev states sternly remembering the last time Kier did this, "Awhhhhh" "But your hairs so fluffy!" Kier pouts, "hhhhhh, no" Dev restated, "Fine...." Kier smiled, snuggling into the warmth of Dev, it got pretty cold up there, even for them.

*ping* *ping* "nghhhh... I thought you muted your phone last night?" Kier said being rudely awoken to Devs phone pinging, Dev was still asleep, "Oh right." Kier rolls his eyes at his forgetfulness, Kier reaches over Dev to grab his phone 'It's Boosfer?' Kier thinks to himself, 'What does he want at...... 11am?! broooo'

*Today at 10:56*
"Daddy Dev"
"Or Kier SugarBear"
"What do you want at 11am Boosfer"
"Sooo Dev?"
*Boosfer Deleted A Message*
"Sooo, Kier...?"
"Lmao you still can't guess who's who between us"
"Okay shut up-"
"You said you wanted to meet us at 12pm last night, remember?"
*Dev has went offline*
*Boosfer has went offline*

Kier sets Devs phone down before gently shaking Dev slightly attempting to wake him up, he usually ends up just having to lay onto of him to get him up, this time Dev was lucky.

"Get up I forgot I texted Boosfer last night to meet us at 12pm" Kier explains, "Mhhhh... What time is it?" Dev asks yawning, "Eleven" Kier answers, "HUHHH?" Dev almost yells, they get ready to go, Kier being ready first makes them both toast quickly so they can meet at Boosfers with having had something to eat.

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