Despite What You Say

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January 24th 2024 — 09:45 | Mount Kiev

"Sooooooooo, Dev." Kier drags on, making exaggerated movements, "Yes?" Dev responds, not moving his head from looking at the blueprints he has on the table in front of him, "What is this thing we're making?" Kier asks with a smile. "Well it's not what you're making. Is it?" Dev responds, slightly joking, "None of your business Kier, you'll find out with everyone else." Dev continues.

"BUT BOOSFER KNOWS???" Kier shouts, still moving dramatically, "He doesn't. He hasn't even seen the blueprints" He continues, "I just gave him a list of what to get and told him if he doesn't help I'm burning the blueprints and never making it." Dev looks at Kier with a proud smile. "Aaaaannnnnd..... That. Worked...?" Kier questions, "Kier you're underestimating how badly he wants to finally see the thing I've been talking about making for the past years." Dev explains again.


"So, why can't I help you?" Kier asks, "What do you mean?" Dev responds, expecting this question, "Well- I'm with Boosfer. Getting dumb materials. Why can't I swap with Yello and help you?" Kier answers.

"You're still helping me though aren't you?" Dev says, looking back at his blueprints, "WELL YEAH-" Kier stops, "But-" He says, thinking of what to say next. "Hm? Something wrong?" Dev asks, "But like where's the fun in gathering materials?!" Kier answers, "Do you really think Yello or Jack would enjoy doing that either?" Dev jokes, "YEAH?!" Kier yells, "YELLO IS A LITERAL WOLF OBVIOUSLY HE'D LOVE TO BE IN HIS NATURAL AREA!" He continues.

"You- do know he isn't like. A full wolf...? And he's also already asked me to help build." Dev explains, Kier sighs. "Can't I just stay here? Boosfer'll be fineeee!" Kier says, "Yeah? Will he? Who'll make sure of it?" Dev laughs, "Well- Am I really the best person to have protecting him? Nope! Didn't think so!" Kier asks rhetorically. "OHHHHHHH! SO NOW YOU'RE BAD AT FIGHTING HUH?" Dev jokes, "Too bad, you're all staying how I have you unless you can give me a genuine reason you can't" Dev states.

This gives Kier an idea.

February 2nd — 12:30 | ????

"DUUUUUDEEE." Boosfer groans, "Can you stop fucking complaining." He continues, "If you wanted a different job, you should've said before!" He says. "I DID SAY BEFORE THOUGH?!" Kier yells, "Mmhhhhhh, did you though?" Boosfer jokes, "Omfg shut up." Kier says, annoyed. "Only if you do as well." Boosfer states, "Thought you were gonna ask me to "make you" for a second there." Kier laughs, "Would you?" Boosfer jokes.

"We should take this stuff back before it gets dark" Boosfer says, thinking about the timeline Dev explained him, "Really wish there was a better of getting stuff back." Kier adds.

"Shouldn't you be happy you get to do this? Dev can't call you weak after this." Boosfer questions, "Oh yeah he can. He just need to think up another stupid reason as to why I'm weak and woah! All of a sudden! Nothing else matters." Kier explains. "Hm. Well don't think I was saying you were strong either!" "Cause you're not!" Boosfer says, proudly smiling.

"Why am I friends with such assholes man." Kier laughs, "Uhhhhhhh, because we're hot?" Boosfer jokes, Kier bursts out laughing, "AHAH YEAH RIGHT! AS IF." He shouts, "... What are you as if-ing..." Boosfer asks. "That that's why I'm friends with you guys-" Kier answers, "Thank fuck" Boosfer whispers, "AND that you're hot." Kier continues, smiling. "...Go fuck yourself."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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