June 13th | Pt. 5

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Kier realised Yello nearly fell over and apologised while trying to get away from Yellos hug, there was a ping from Kier phone. Kier grabbed his phone from his pocket, "It's Dev." He said now beginning to panic, his friends waited for him to explain what Dev said.

"He..." Kier starts, "What?" Yello asks. A few seconds of silence went by before Boosfer got impatient, "What did he say?" Boosfer asked. "He. He said that he's coming home early." Kier says staring blankly at the couch in front of him, worrying what Dev would say when he came back and Kier didn't get him a gift.

"What?! Did he say why?" Bubbo exclaimed, "He said he misses me." Kier answers whispering so they don't hear, "What" Boosfer says confused about what Kier said, "Doesn't matter!" Kier states embarrassed.

Another ping from Kiers phone, again it was Dev.
"im like 15 minutes away now see you soon kiersugarbear ;)"
"Shut up..."
"you know you enjoy that nickname :)"
"Yea right!"
"see you soon :D"

"He said he's like 15 minutes away, but it being Dev probably means he's like 30 minutes away." Kier explains, "He just says shit and hopes he's correct" Boosfer jokes trying to distract Kier from the fact that Dev is gonna be there soon. They all laughed except from Kier, "Come on Kier it's gonna be okay." Boosfer says trying to actually comfort him for once.

"But it's not!" Kier yells on the verge of tears, "He's gonna hate me. How could I forget to get him a gift?! I'm so fucking stupid." "Kier come over here..." Boosfer says realising Kier is genuinely upset again, Kier reluctantly goes over and sits next to Boosfer, after a few seconds of Boosfer thinking he eventually hugged Kier, "It's okay, I swear, Devs not gonna hate you for this."

At this point Kier has nothing else to do but cry, he clings on to Boosfer as he was the closet person to him, Boosfer holds Kier gently trying to comfort him.

Eventually Kier had fallen asleep again, Boosfer barely moved he only moved to be more comfortable. Twenty-six minutes went by, Kier hadn't woken up and Dev hadn't gotten home yet, there were multiple pings from Kiers phone while he was asleep.

Yello checked Kiers phone occasionally seeing if it was important for him to see or reply to, each time it was just Dev telling Kier that he'll be home soon, Yello got fed up with hearing the pings every six minutes so he gave Kiers phone to Bubbo.

Eventually, Dev got home, he opened the door kind of expecting Kier to appear and yell his name welcoming him back, Kier wasn't anywhere though, Dev was getting worried because Kier would never go anywhere without telling Dev if he wasn't there with him.

Dev went downstairs to see four of his friends sitting on the couch, "Oh! Hey" he says surprised they were there, "What are you guys doing here?" He asks. "Uhhhh... It's probably best if Kier explains it to you?" Yello suggests, Kier was still asleep although he was slowly beginning to wake up. "So why is he asleep anyway? Did something happen?" Dev asks concerned about him.

"Yeaaa... He was crying because he didn't know what to get you as a gift and then he couldn't get you one, he was scared you were gonna hate him for it." Boosfer explains as best as he can, still hugging Kier. "My god..." Dev rolls his eyes, "How many times do I have to tell him I'm not gonna hate him for small things like this..." Dev continues, concerned for why Kier thinks such little issues could ruin their nine year friendship.

At this point Kier has just barely woken up, he heard Dev talking and wanted to acknowledge him but was too tired to say or do anything, "mmmm..." Kier groaned, trying to wake himself up fully. "Guess he's waking up" Dev smiles, eventually Kier manages to wake himself up enough to look at Dev.

When Kier does end up looking at Dev he looks away, feeling guilty he never got him a gift. Dev gets up from his seat at the table and walks over to Kier on the couch, he sits down in the space between Kier and Bubbo.

"Kier, look at me..." He requests, Kier struggles to look at Dev in the eyes, Dev holds Kiers face in his hands, "I don't care about a stupid gift Kier. I care about you." Dev explains before hugging Kier tightly.


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Sorry this took so long to come out :[
That's the end of "June 13th" The next part will hopefully be in one, might take a while as I could be busy with school and also I need to think of what could happen next :D

Thank you everyone who's read this so far <3

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