chapter one: pizza and a baby spider

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"Of course I haven't taken it yet, MJ, I just got home," I uttered to my best friend over the phone. I have no idea if my father is home or not. "I'll call you once I have though, okay? Yeah, love you too, bye."

I heard some oldies song playing over the old scratchy record in the living room and knew the answer to my previous question anyway.

After setting my bag down at the door and clearing the corner, my father met my eyes with a warm smile.

"Hey, kiddo! School okay today?"

Grateful to see my dad, I tightly embraced his well-muscled build. "As good as school gets without Peter."

"Yeah, I knew you'd say somethin' like that. On a completely unrelated note, that arrived at the house with a note. It's got your name on it."

I directed my gaze towards where my dad pointed and my eyes watered instantly. A giant, and I mean giant bouquet of roses sat in a vase on the kitchen table. Blue and red roses.

I didn't have to ask any questions.

I knelt down to smell the flowers and closed my eyes at the comforting scent. I picked up the small envelope with my name on it. Surprisingly neat handwriting for my goofball boyfriend.

I've always loved his handwriting, but he never accepts that compliment.

"Have you already read it?" I asked my dad when I noticed the envelope was already open.

"Nope. Came like that. Not sure why," my dad picked up his phone. "Pizza sound good tonight?"

"Yeah, definitely. Stuff-"

"Stuffed crust pepperoni with extra cheese and light on the sauce," He finished my usual and favorite pizza order. We shared a small laugh.

I opened the envelope and unfolded the little card. Same handwriting on the card that was on the top of the envelope. What am I gonna do with this boy.

Flowers and a handwritten note.

The note read:

"hello, my darling. I can't remember the last time you had flowers in your room. good thing I remembered your favorite kind, huh?

love you a bunch,

I bit my lip with a grin and shake of my head. "I miss you. Dork."

"He should be home soon," My dad side hugged me and kissed my head. "Gonna go pick up that pizza and grab a few things from the store. Don't burn the house down while I'm gone."

"I burn chicken nuggets one time and suddenly I'm a hazard to the house," I jokingly rolled my eyes. "Love you, dad."

"I love you too, kiddo."

I snapped a picture of the roses and sent it to MJ. She immediately responded with a heart eye emoji and told me I was lucky to have someone like Peter. Which I completely agreed with.

"Okay," I whispered to myself when glancing at the shopping bag next to me contained. I was reminded of my task at hand once again. "Let's get this over with."

I stepped into the bathroom with the bag and removed the box, tossing the bag into the trash can. "Can't believe I'm doing this right now."

I think I read the instructions eight times before I actually committed to the action they described. I didn't wanna waste one of the three tests I bought.

Yep. Tests. Pregnancy tests.

I took all three and set them aside so they could read and do their thing. Peter's been gone for a month and a half now, but things have definitely been done to need such tests.

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